Events in Linguistics


Upcoming Workshop: Morphological Boundaries in Creole Languages, Ana R. Luís (University of Coimbra) and Susanne Maria Michaelis (Leipzig University & MPI-EVA, Leipzig), 58th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bordeaux, 26-29 August 2025

Advances in Creole Languages and Language Contact, University of Coimbra, Portugal. (Co-Org. with Olivier Bonami, U. Paris). CELGA/FCT-PESSOA/Campus France. 11-12 December 2016

Festschrift in Honour of Professor John Holm (video) University of Coimbra. CELGA/FCT. 6 Outubro 2014

Rethinking Creole Morphology, at the 19. Congrès International  des Linguistes, University of Geneva, Switzerland. (Co-Org. with Clancy Clements, U. Indiana ). CELGA/FCT. 21-27 July 2013

Portuguese-based creoles in perspective, University of Coimbra. (Co-Org. with Olivier Bonami, U.Paris). CELGA/FCT-PESSOA/Campus France. 29 April 2013

International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR 2012), University of Coimbral. (Co-Organiser). FCTUC/CELGA. 17-20 April 2012

1º Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Linguística (Photo), University of Coimbra. (Organiser). CELGA. 10-11 December 2010

Perspectives on the Morphome (Photos)University of Coimbra (Co-Org. with Ricardo Bermúdes-Otero, U. Manchester). CELGA/FCT. 10-11 2010