A C++ library for archiving operations on nondominated point sets
BB for Star Discrepancy
A branch and bound for star discrepancy subset selection for two dimensions
Anytime behaviour model for multiobjective combinatorial optimization
BB for hypervolume subset selection
A branch and bound algorithm for hypervolume subset selection for more than two dimensions
DP for hypervolume subset selection
A dynamic programming algorithm for hypervolume subset selection in two dimensions
Greedy algorithm for hypervolume subset selection
A greedy programming algorithm for hypervolume subset selection in two and three dimensions
BiMuSA code
A branch-and-cut for multiple sequence alignment
MOSAL tools (github)
Multiobjective sequence alignment tools
AF tools
Computation of the empirical attainment function
EAF graphic tools
Visualization of the empirical attainment function
Hypervolume indicator
Computation of the hypervolume indicator
Hadamard matrices
A heuristic for generating Hadamard matrices
3DKnapsack algorithm
A greedy algorithm for the three-objective knapsack problem with binary weights