I am Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra. I received my PhD in Computer Science from TU Darmstadt in 2005 and my MSc in Systems Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Algarve in 2001.
My research interests are within algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. I have been working on basic questions that arise on solution techniques to problems with several objectives of conflicting nature - so called multiobjective optimization - see my publications about this topic. I am also keen on applying these concepts to real-life problems - see MOSAL.
See my personal webpage to learn more about the research I am doing or to contact me.
Some news:
- Special issue "Best of GECCO 2023" published at ACM TELO.
- Congrats to Noé Godinho for defending his PhD thesis: Optimising resource allocation in fog computing!
- New article: Solving the multiobjective quasi-clique problem, accepted to European Journal of Operational Research.
- Special Issue on Exact and Approximation Methods for Mixed-Integer Multi-Objective Optimization at Mathematics Methods of Operations Research
- I am organizing training sessions for competitive programming - if you are a student and like to code, feel free to reach me to know more about this.
Luís Paquete
Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra
Pólo II, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal
Phone: +351 239 790 049
E-mail: paquete (at) dei.uc.pt