- Special issue "Best of GECCO 2023" published at ACM TELO.
- Congrats to Noé Godinho for defending his PhD thesis: Optimising resource allocation in fog computing!
- New article: Solving the multiobjective quasi-clique problem, accepted to European Journal of Operational Research.
- Special Issue on Exact and Approximation Methods for Mixed-Integer Multi-Objective Optimization at Mathematics Methods of Operations Research
- I am organizing training sessions for competitive programming - if you are a student and like to code, feel free to reach me to know more about this.
Other news:
- Editor-in-Chief of GECCO 2023
- Organization of RAMOO 2022
- Visiting Professor at Paris-Dauphine University in May/June 2022 and January/June 2023.
- Associate Editor of International Transactions in Operational Research.
- Editorial board member of Operations Research Perspectives
- Area Editor of the new journal ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, from 2021 to 2023
- Chair at GECCO 2020 and 2021(ECOM track), EvoCOP 2020, EvoCOP 2019, PPSN 2018
- Stream Chair on Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization at EURO 31
- PhD director of the PhD in Informatics Engineering since 2024 (deputy director from 2016 to 2023)
- Deputy Head of Department from 2015 to 2017
- Deputy Director of the research center CISUC from 2013 to 2015
- See book Experimental methods for the analysis of optimization algorithms, Springer
- ACM SIGEVO impact award 2012: A racing algorithm for configuring metaheuristics
- GECCO 2015, EMO track best paper award, Greedy hypervolume subset selection in the three-objective case
- EvoCOP 2011 best paper award: Connectedness and local search for bicriteria knapsack problems
- EvoCOP 2002 best paper award: Experimental investigation of iterated local search for coloring graphs
- Programme Acertar o Rumo, of which I was the coordinator, won a 2nd national award at IAPMEI
- As novas fronteiras da engenharia 2013 award, Ordem dos Engenheiros