Participation in R/D projects
On-going projects
- Member of the Advisory Board. TRACE - Tracking illicit money flows (H2020 - Grant agreement ID: 101022004). Consortium (coord. Coventry University) / European Union
- National Expert. STREAM - Strengthening Trust in the European Criminal Justice Area through Mutual Recognition and the Streamlined Application of the European Arrest Warrant (JUST AG 101007485). Centre for European Policy Studies - CEPS / European Union. Collection and critical assessment of national case law on the European Arrest Warrant (with Raquel Cardoso)
Completed projects
- National expert. CROSSJUSTICE - Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation . European University Institute /European Commission. EC Grant Agreement 84734. Coord. Deirdre Curtin. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa), publication forthcoming
- Researcher. Judicial protection in transnational criminal proceedings. Universität Bonn / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Coord. Martin Böse. Contribution to the drafting of the project. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa), published
- Researcher. Strafrechtliche Sanktionen in Europa: Leitlinien für die Ausgestaltung und Umsetzung von EU-Rechtsakten. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Coord. Helmut Satzger. Contribution to the ECPI proposal. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa), published
- Member of the 'Advisory Board'. Criminal procedural laws across the Union - a comparative analysis of selected main differences and the impact they have over the development of EU legislation (a study commissioned by the European Parliament - IP/C/LIBE/IC/2017-096). Institut d'Etudes Européennes / Université Libre de Bruxelles. Coord. Anne Weyembergh. Review of the questionnaire for the national experts and critical assessment of the final report.
- National Rapporteur. Study on minimum sanctions in the EU Member States (JUST/2013/JPEN/PR/0047/A4). ECLAN & ECORYS / European Commission. Coord. Robert Kert. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa)
- National Rapporteur. Study on penalties in drug trafficking cases. ECLAN / European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Coord. Robert Kert / Andrea Lehner. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa); publication forthcoming
- National Rapporteur. Evaluation of the Legal Framework Applicable to Combating Terrorism in the EU Member States (RS 12). Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services & ECLAN / European Commission. Coord. Clive Walker. Portuguese report (with Miguel Ângelo Lemos)
- National Rapporteur. Development of an EU evaluation mechanism in the area of anti-corruption with a particular focus on identifying and reducing the costs of corruption in public procurement involving EU funds. PricewaterhouseCoopers, ECORYS & ECLAN / OLAF. Coord. Katalin Ligeti. Portuguese report (with Jorge dos Reis Bravo)
- National Rapporteur. Preparatory study for an impact assessment on a new legislative instrument replacing the Council Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA on illicit drug trafficking. ECLAN / ECORYS. Coord. Robert Kert / Valsamis Mitsilegas / Andrea Lehner. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa)
- External Consultant. Reforço da recuperação de activos no quadro do combate à criminalidade grave susceptível de gerar proventos substanciais – Projecto Fénix (project on the recovery of assets as a means of fighting serious crime, in the ambit of the Programme "Prevention of and Fight against crime", Council Decision 2007/125/JAI of 12/02/2007). Procuradoria-Geral da República (PT), Polícia Judiciária (PT), Fiscalía General del Estado (ES), Bureau Ontnemingswetgeving Openbaar Ministerie (NL) / European Union. Coord. Euclides Dâmaso Simões. Monitoring the development of the Project, validation of the deliverables, lecture at the closing Conference, written abstract for the minutes of the Conference and doctrinal article on the recovery of assets and (traditional and extended) confiscation; published, also here
- National Rapporteur. Comparative law study on criminal investigation and prosecution of crimes affecting the financial interests of the Union – the Member States dimension. Université du Luxembourg. Coord. Katalin Ligeti. Portuguese report (with Miguel João Costa), published
- National Rapporteur. Standard model for evaluation of the impact of EU instruments adopted in the framework of Title VI of the TEU Pilot Project – Evaluation of the impact of the framework decision of 19 July 2002 on combating trafficking in human beings (AGIS). ECLAN / Ministère de la Justice Belge / Ministère de la Justice Luxembourgeois. Coord. Anne Weyembergh / Veronica Santamaria. Portuguese report (with Miguel Ângelo Lemos), published
- Coordinator and lecturer. Curso de Capacitação e Treinamento para Juízes e Promotores de Justiça sobre Lavagem de Dinheiro (Training Course on Money Laundering Control for Brasilian Judges and Prosecutors; Manaus / Natal / Vitória / Porto Alegre). Organization of the American States (CICAD) / Ministério da Justiça (Ministry oaf Justice - BR). General inception of the Course and drafting of the Syllabus (with Euclides Dâmaso Simões and José Mouraz Lopes)
- National Rapporteur. Feasibility study on the creation of a database for prosecutions and investigations ( JAI/AGIS/2003/002). IALS. Coord. Helen Xanthaki. Portuguese report (with Miguel Ângelo Lemos), published
- National Rapporteur. Administrative sanctions in the EU. Universiteit Utrecht. Coord. Oswald Jansen. Portuguese report (with Miguel Ângelo Lemos), published
- National Rapporteur. A European Criminal Record as a means of combating organised crime (Falcone Project 2000/FAL/168). Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. Coord. Helen Xanthaki. Portuguese report (with Miguel Ângelo Lemos).
- National Rapporteur. Legal value and access to evidence from disciplinary proceedings: the current legal position within EU Member States. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies / European Commission. Coord. Helen Xanthaki. Portuguese report.
- National Rapporteur. GROTIUS study on national means of implementation of EU instruments in the area of EU criminal law (Grotius Programme 2000/GR/109). Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. Coord. Helen Xanthaki. Portuguese report (with Nuno Brandão), published
- National Rapporteur. Entwicklung des Auslieferungsrechts zwischen den Schengen-Vertragsstaaten. Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht. Coord. Sabine Gleβ. Portuguese report (with others), published as: “Portugal”, in Auslieferungsrecht der Schengen-Vertragsstaaten. Neuere Entwicklungen, Sabine Gleβ (ed.), p. 465 – 488.
- National Rapporteur. Die Schengen-Zusammenarbeit und Rechtsintegration in der Europäischen Union. Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht. Coord. Sabine Gleβ. Portuguese report (with others)