Professional experience and affiliations

I. University of Coimbra


- Faculty of Law

Associate professor (2020- ). Assistant professor with tenure (2013-2020). Assistant professor (2008-2013). Invited lecturer (2003-2008). Lecturer (1995-2003). Teacher and researcher (1990-1995).

Elected member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty (2009-2011; 2011-2013; 2019-2021; 2021-2023). Elected member of the Assembly of the Faculty (2009-2011; 2017-2019; 2019-2021; 2021-2023). Secretary of the Scientific Board of the Faculty (2009-2010). Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty (2008-2009). Elected representative of the teachers and researchers not holding a PhD in the Scientific Board of the Faculty (1992-1994).


- University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR) - Instituto Jurídico (IJ)

Member of the Coordinating Board (2013-2015; 2015-2017)

Integrated researcher and member of the Scientific Board (2013- )

Coordinator of the events ECLAN Symposium on The European Public Prosecutor's Office and International Conference European Criminal Law in the Global Context: Values, Principles and Policies (29-31 March 2017)


II. International activity 


1. Research and consultancy


- PACED - Projeto de Apoio à Consolidação do Estado de Direito nos PALOP e em Timor-Leste (Instituto Camões, IP)

Expert for the project "Supporting the consolidation of the rule of law in the Portuguese-speaking African Countries and East-Timor (PALOP-TL)". Drafting proposals for the harmonisation of the criminal law of the said countries regarding drug-trafficking, corruption and money laundering (2016-2017)


- European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN)

Member of the Management Committee (2010- )

National expert (2007- )

Founding member and contact point for Portugal (2004- )


- European Criminal Policy Initiative (ECPI)

Member (2015- )


- Expert Group on EU Criminal Policy (European Commission - E02760)

Member (2012-2015; 2015-2018; 2018- )


- Brill Research Perspectives in Transnational Crime

Associate Editor (2016- )


- New Journal of European Criminal Law

Member of the Editorial Board (2010- )


- Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais

Permanent collaborator (2000- )


- FWO - Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen / Research Foundation - Flanders(Belgium)

Referee of an application to a Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2018)


- Universität Basel (Switzerland)

Discussant at the 7th ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2017) (co-org. ECLAN)


- Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Austria)

Discussant at the 6th ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2016) (co-org. ECLAN)


Københavns Universitet - Det Juridiske Fakultet (Denmark)

Discussant and general rapporteur at the 5th ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2015) (co-org. ECLAN)


- Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL) (Spain)

Visiting Scholar (2014, 2017)


- Instituto Eduardo Correia (Brazil)

Member of the Scientific Board (2013-)


- Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

National expert (2011)


- Queen Mary University of London - School of Law (United Kingdom)

Discussant and general rapporteur at the 4th ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2014) (co-org. ECLAN)


- Utrecht Universiteit (The Netherlands)

National expert (2004)


- Institut d'Etudes Européennes / Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Discussant at the 1st ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2010) (co-org. ECLAN)


- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies – University of London (United Kingdom)

National expert (2000-2004)


- Max-Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht (Germany)

National expert (1998-2001)

Invited scholar (1993)


2. Teaching and training


- Université de Strasbourg - Faculté de Droit, de Sciences Politiques et de Gestion (France)

Visiting Professor in the Master 2 (2018/2019); lecturing a short course (8 hours) on An introduction to international judicial cooperation in criminal matters (esp. extradition); programme Erasmus+ (2018)


- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)

Teacher at the Escola Alemã de Ciências Criminais; topic: European Criminal Law (2018)


- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Faculty of Law: Research Institute for Transparency, Corruption and Financial Crime (Greece)

Teacher at the 'Summer School Recent developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives'; lecturing a short course (3 hours) on Money laundering: International and EU Perspectives (2018)


- Queen Mary University of London - School of Law (United Kingdom)

Visiting Professor in the LLM in Criminal Justice Programme (topic: European Criminal Law); lecture on Harmony without a music stave: is a common scale enough? The PACED project and the (possible) meaning(s) of harmonising substantive criminal law in a non-integrated environment (2018)

- Université de Strasbourg - Faculté de Droit, de Sciences Politiques et de Gestion (France)

Lecturer on The implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in Portuguese law and Au delà des questions de compétence: pourquoi et comment devrait l'Union Européenne légiférer sur les sanctions pénales? (2018)

Visiting Professor in the Master 2 (2017/2018) 


- Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais (Cape Verde)

Teacher in the 1st Master's Course in Public Law (2015-2016)

Teacher in a post-graduate Course on Law and Security (2007)


- Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto (Angola)

Teacher in a Master's course on criminal law (2014)


- Facultade de Dereito da Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Visiting professor in the course Máster Universitario en Derecho: Estudios de la Unión Europea; lecture on "The approximation /  harmonisation of criminal law in the EU: between the recent past and the near future"(2014, 2015)

Member of the examining jury of a PhD thesis (2013)


- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)

Teacher in the Curso sobre Problemas Fundamentais do Direito Penal e Processual Penal (2014)


- Institut d'Etudes Européennes / Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Teacher in the Summer School "The EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2013, 2014) (co-org. ECLAN)

Discussant in the 1st ECLAN PhD Seminar "EU Area of Criminal Justice" (2010) (co-org. ECLAN)


- Organization of the American States (OAS/CICAD) / Brazilian Ministry of Justice

Scientific Coordinator and teacher in the Training Course on Money Laundering for Judges and Prosecutors (Brazil, 2005)


- Universität Wien (Austria)

Teacher in the course "Beccaria Summer Academy on European and International Criminal Law" (2003)


- Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCCrim) (Brazil)

Teacher in a post-graduate Course on European and Economic Criminal Law (2000, 2001)


III. Collaboration with Portuguese institutions


- Instituto de Direito Penal Económico e Europeu (IDPEE)

Member of the Board (2009-2012; 2012-2014; 2014- )

Teacher (1997- )

Secretary (1997-1999)

Associate (1997- )


- Ministry of Justice

Legal advisor (2003)

Member of the jury who evaluates the applications for entering the Centro de Estudos Judiciários – Oral Exams (2003)

Member of the Commission appointed by the Ministry of Justice for the Reform of the Rules on the Execution of Prison Sentences and Other Detentive Measures (1996-1997)


- Procuradoria-Geral da República

External Consultant of the international research project Fénix - Assets Recovery (2010-2011)


- Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal

Permanent collaborator (1996- )


- Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa / Lisbon Law Review

Reviewer (2015- )


- e-cadernos ces

Reviewer (2014)


- Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública

Reviewer (2014)


- Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Teacher in a post-graduate course on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters (2011)

Member of the commission of several Master's and PhD theses


- Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Member of the commission and main discussant of one Master's thesis (2011). Member of the commission and main discussant of PhD projects and dissertations (2012- )


- Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto

Member of the commission and main discussant of one Master's thesis (2010). Member of the commission and main discussant of one PhD dissertation (2017)


- Fundação Salgado Zenha

Member of the Board (2009-2017)


- Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

Research team coordinator and co-author of the project Portal dos Direitos e Deveres (2012-2013)


- Centro de Estudos Ibéricos

Scientific co-coordinator of a post-graduate course on international judicial cooperation (2007-2008)


- Centro de Direito da Família (CDF)

Teacher in a post-graduate course (2012)


- Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique

Teacher in post-graduate courses (2001-2003, 2011, 2012)


- Universidade Lusófona (Lisboa)

Teacher of a training course of preparation for the exam to access the national school for magistrates (2010)


- Centro de Estudos de Direito Público e Regulação (CEDIPRE)

Teacher in a post-graduate course (2007-2010)


- Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC)

Teacher in a post-graduate course (2004, 2006, 2008-2010)


- Universidade Lusíada (Porto)

Teacher of a post-graduate course of preparation for the exam to access the national school for magistrates (2002; 2004). Member of the examining jury and main discussant of one Master's thesis (2009)


- Universidade Internacional (Figueira da Foz)

Teacher in a post-graduate course (1997-2000)


- Fundação Bissaya Barreto

Teacher in a post-graduate course (1999-2000; 2004)


- Universidade Internacional (Lisboa)

Senior Lecturer (graduate level) - Criminal Law (1995-1999)


- Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses / Edições Almedina

Member of the Jury of the Judicial Literature Prize (2013, 2014)


- Associação Sindical dos Funcionários de Investigação Criminal da Polícia Judiciária

Trainer (1993-1999)