Mário Montenegro

Invited assistant professor (DHEEAA-FLUC)


He teaches in Art Studies, and he is a senior researcher in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies  of the University of Coimbra (CEIS20).

He is the founder and artistic director of Marionet since 2000. He directed and wrote in Marionet more than 40 theatre plays, and also works as an actor. He has four published plays: Revolution of the Celestial Bodies (MAFIA, 2006), Meeting in Possible (CETUP, 2006) and The Expression of the Emotions and LED - Inner Voyage in a Computer (Coimbra University Press, 2018). He has also two published translations: Mr. de Chimpanzee, by Jules Verne (Marionet, 2010), and Calculus, by Carl Djerassi (Coimbra University Press, 2011). 

He was the associate director of Gil Vicente Academic Theatre, in Coimbra, between November|2015 and June|2017.

He graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in the University of Aveiro (1993), has a MA in European Dramatic Text in the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Porto (2007), and a PhD in Art Studies - theatre and performing arts by the University of Coimbra (2017).

Selected publications

1. Montenegro, M. (2022), The Voices and Bodies of Science: Theatre with Researchers, in E. Weitkamp & C. Almeida (Eds.), Science & Theatre: Communicating Science and Technology with Performing Arts, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 135-142.

2. Feio, M.J., Mantas, A.I., Serra, S., Calapez, A.R., Almeida, S., Sales, M., Montenegro, M., Moreira, F. (2022), Effect of environmental education on the knowledge of aquatic ecosystems and reconnection with nature in early childhood, PLOS ONE. 

3. Amaral, Sara V., Montenegro, Mário et al.. (2017), Science in theatre – an art project with researchers, in Journal of Creative Communications, Vol.11, nº2.

4. Montenegro, M. (2017)A Emergência da Ciência Moderna e a sua Representação no Texto Dramático, tese de doutoramento em Estudos Artísticos, especialidade em Estudos Teatrais e Performativos, Universidade de Coimbra.

 5. Montenegro, M. (2017), Transposição Dramática de Conceitos Científicos, in Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

 6. Montenegro, M., A Expressão das Emoções e LED – Viagem ao Interior num Computador, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2018.

Research interests

Intersections between the performing arts and science.

CV Ciência Vitae - ORCID

Social Media Researchgate

Other Marionet Theatre Company



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