Nuno Coelho (Univ Coimbra, CEIS20, DARQ) is a Porto-based Portuguese communication designer, artist, and curator. He is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Architecture (DARQ) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he teaches on the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Design and Multimedia; an Integrated Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) of the University of Coimbra; and a teacher of the College of Arts of the same university. He is currently the coordinator of the Bachelor's degree course in Design and Multimedia.

He holds a PhD in Contemporary Art from the College of Arts of the University of Coimbra (2013); a master's in Design and Graphic Production from the Fine Arts School of the University of Barcelona (2005); and a degree in Communication Design and Graphic Art from the Fine Arts School of the University of Porto (2002).

As an independent designer, he has worked for individuals and organisations predominantly in Portugal, as well as in other countries, mainly for culture-related clients. He has developed self-initiated research-based projects on the intersection between design and art on social and political issues.

As a design researcher, he is interested in history, material culture, heritage, digital humanities, science communication, and visual semiotics and representation. He has been working on topics related to identity and memory by exploring the politics of image-making and the archives of historic Portuguese trademarks and institutions. He has curated and coordinated exhibitions and public programs. He has two books published and has edited two others.

Since 2019, he has been a member of RAMPA, a non-profit cultural association that manages and programs an independent art space, in Porto, being part of its current board of directors.

His most relevant works include:
• Co-curatorship with Alexandra Balona and Melissa Rodrigues of “An Elephant in the Crystal Palace” (2021), a public program about the First Portuguese Colonial Exhibition (Porto, 1934) at the Porto Municipal Gallery, which resulted in the edition of the homonymous publication published by the Porto City Council (2023);
• Co-curatorship and co-production of “Post-Amnesia: Dismantling Colonial Manifestations” (2021), a series of online debates on colonial legacies in the city of Porto;
• Authorship and production of “5th Notebook – Essay on the Archives of Rivoli” (2017), an exhibition based on historical research on the Rivoli Municipal Theatre of Porto, which resulted in the edition of the homonymous publication published by the Porto City Council (2017);
• Authorship and production of “The Face of Confiança” (2016) and “A (Hi)story of Confiança [Trust]” (2017), exhibitions based on historical research on Saboaria e Perfumaria Confiança (Confiança Soap and Parfum Factory), the latter of which resulted in the publication of the homonymous book published by Tinta-da-china editions (2017);
• Co-curatorship with Annelys de Vet of “Unmapping the World”, an exhibition on critical cartography held within the scope of EXD – Lisbon Design Biennial (2013);
• Authorship and production of “A Land Without People for a People Without Land” (2007), an exhibition on the political and social situation in Palestine (totalling 33 presentations in seven countries), resulting in the publication of the homonymous book co-authored with Adam Kershaw (2009).

Currently, he is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Pilot-Action (exploratory project) "Joaquim – The Count of Ferreira and his legacy" (2023-2024), which resulted in the organisation of a colloquium and an exhibition; and will result in a publication of a book.

His various public activities (organisation and participation in exhibitions; holding talks and conferences; conducting workshops; among others) have been conducted in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Mozambique, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Other non-public activities (fieldwork; work visits; among others), in addition to some of the states mentioned above, have been conducted in Cyprus, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Israel, Lebanon, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Senegal, South Korea, Tunisia, and Turkey.

His work can be seen at

Full CV (currently being updated) at

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