Ana Isabel Ribeiro

Assistant Professor (DHEAA/Faculty of Arts and Humanities)


I  am an assistant professor at the University of Coimbra (, Portugal, at the Department of History, Archaeology and Arts (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) where I coordinate the Master in History Teaching. I am also an Assistant Dean.

My main research subject has been centered in studying local communities, its social organization and the way they have developed in time. Also, I have been concerned with the analysis of individuals and families that dominate local power and resources and their personal and generational strategies of social affirmation.  

My PhD Thesis was focused on the observation and in-depth analysis of the characteristics and behavior of elites of Coimbra between 1777 and 1820. This analysis was supported by a large number of sources of very diverse origins and characteristics and the use of methodologies based on data crossing, prosopographical and biographical reconstruction and analysis of social networks.

I'm interested in Social History (18th-19th), specially the analysis of social networks as a tool to reconstruct historical communities and its social structures.
 I also develop research related to preservice teacher training, History teaching and learning in middle and secondary schools.

I am a member of Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX - Grupo de Humanidades Digitais (Digital Humanities)  I also collaborate  with  Centro de História da Sociedade e Cultura  (CHSC/UC)


Relevant Publications

  1. Gago, M.,  Ribeiro, A.I. (2022). História e Educação Histórica: que diálogos e desafios? Revista Portuguesa de História,  53,  61-78
  2. Aresta, M., Fernandes, A., Ribeiro, A. I. (2022). Cenários de aprendizagem ubíqua: novos desafios. In A. Fernandes, F. V. de Castro & C. Cravo (Org.), Desafios curriculares no Século XXI (pp. 427-456). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.   DOI:
  3. Ribeiro, A. I. (2021).Instrumentos e mecanismos de poder da fidalguia (Coimbra, séculos XVIII e XIX)”, D. B. Gil, M. C. I. Vicente e J. D. Rodrigues (Coord.), Actores e instrumentos del poder em las monarquias ibéricas, Almedina (pp. 347-390). Almedina
  4. Ribeiro, A. I. (2018). A análise de redes na investigação histórica. Aplicação a um estudo de caso: as escolhas dos eleitores para a vereação da Câmara de Coimbra (1783-1817), Revista Portuguesa de História, 49, 301-324
  5. Dias-Trindade, S. e Ribeiro, A. I. (2017). O ensino da História e tecnologias – conexões, possibilidades e desafios no espaço das Humanidades Digitais(em colaboração com Sara Dias Trindade), in Educação no Ciberespaço. Novas configurações, convergências e conexões (pp. 133-146). Editora Universitária Tiradentes/WhitebooksEstudo Geral:


Areas of interest/research

Early Modern History of Portugal - Portuguese Nobility (Ancien Regime)| Didactics of History and teacher training| Digital Humanities - relational databases applied to History and social network analysis in historical research.



SOCIAL MEDIA  Academia - Researchgate - LinkedIn

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