Joana Gonçalves

Ciencia Vitae


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Joana Gonçalves have completed PhD in Bioscience (2012) in University of Coimbra. She is currently researcher at Institute of Nuclear Science Applied to Health (ICNAS), University of Coimbra, working on Preclinical Research field (Medical and Health Sciences scientific activity area, subarea of Medical Biotechnology). In last years, she has been mainly focused in studying the mechanisms underlying excitation/inhibition dysfunction and test new technologies as future therapies in autism spectrum disorders. Further, sex bias in neurodevelopmental disorders is another aim of study of JG. JG is author/coauthor of several paper in international peer reviewed journals in Neuroscience/Preclinical research field. As an important component of dissemination of her research outputs, she participated in several national and international meetings as author, coauthor an senior authors. She also contributed to several students training, being presently the supervisor of  several graduate and undergraduate students.  Her research team won the FLAD Life Sciences 2020 award in 2017, where she is responsible for animal studies. Furthermore, she has ongoing collaborations with Alcino Silva (UCLA, USA), Ravit Hadar (Charité University, Berlim, Germany), Elizabeth Lucas (North Carolina State University, USA) and David Woldbye (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark). During her career, she has learned various key molecular and cellular biology techniques. Now, she is also interested in taking advantage of cutting-edge techniques, namely the ones already implemented in ICNAS (MRI, MRS, PET and tDCS).


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