João G. Rosa
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Phone: 239 410 609
2010: Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics, Oxford U. (UK)
Thesis: "Aspects of beyond the Standard Model string phenomenology"
Advisor: John March-Russell
2006: Masters in Advanced Studies in Mathematics (Part III), Cambridge U. (UK)
2005: Diploma in Physical and Technological Engineering, IST - Lisbon (Portugal)
Previous positions:
2020-2022: Assistant Professor, Coimbra University.
2017-2019: Assistant Researcher (FCT Investigator), Gr@v, Aveiro University.
2014-2017: Invited Assistant Professor, Porto University.
2012-2016: Postdoctoral Fellow, Gr@v, Aveiro University.
2010-2012: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Edinburgh U. (UK)
2009-2010: Graduate Teaching Assistant in Physics, Oriel College, Oxford (UK).
2018 Alberto Prize (Sociedade Portuguesa de Relatividade e Gravitação)
2016 FCT Investigator grant (FCT)
2013 Postdoctoral research grant SFRH/BPD/85969/2012 (FCT)
2012 Postdoctoral research grant - FCT project PTDC/FIS/116625/2010 (Aveiro U. & I3N)
2010 Vice-Chancellors' Fund Award (Oxford U.)
2006 E. M. Burnett Prize (Cambridge U.)
2006 Tyson medal in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Cambridge U.)
2005 Doctoral research grant SFRH/BD/23036/2005 (FCT)
2004 Merit Diploma (IST - Lisbon)
I am a particle cosmologist, my main research interests lying in the interplay between particle and gravitational physics. I am interested in extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics that address its main shortcomings, such as the origin of dark matter, inflation, the baryon asymmetry, dark energy, neutrino masses and the strong CP problem, amongst others. I am a theoretical model builder interested in looking for signatures of new physics in astrophysics and cosmology, as a complement to e.g. collider searches.
You can find here a list of my publications.
Online seminars
A boson named Higgs, Aveiro University, Odisseia pela Física (November 2012)
Boosted black strings bombs, CENTRA- IST (October 2012)
Warm baryogenesis, Perimeter Institute (December 2011)
Teaching material
Lie groups and Lie algebras in particle physics
Non-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory and cosmological applications
Mecânica Quântica, IST Press (2013, 2017)