Dr Paula Alexandra Silva is a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and practitioner, whose passion is to understand how to leverage technology to create a better future for us all. She is also a passionate teacher who strives to create exceptional learning experiences for her students. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering, within the University of Coimbra. Before she held appointments as lecturer at a number of universities, as Postdoc Fellow at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and as Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer Portugal, where she managed the Human-Computer Interaction area and group. She earned her PhD in Computer Science from Lancaster University, United Kingdom, where she wrote a dissertation on ‘Designing User Interfaces with the BadIdeas Method: Towards Creativity and Innovation’, under the supervision of  Professor Alan Dix. Tweet or follow the tweets at #palexa and feel free to be in touch for a chat about work. 

For more on my professional activities and research outcomes take a look at my online profiles:

News and updates

May 24. Received the Best Paper Award at ACM SIGCHI CHI 2024, the premier conference in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with a paper titled Understanding Feedback in Rhythmic Gymnastics Training: An Ethnographic-Informed Study of a Competition Class in a joint effort with Leonor Portugal da Fonseca and Francisco Nunes.

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