
Papers in international scientific peer-reviewed journals

B. Moura, T.R. da Silva, N. Soares, H. Monteiro (2025). Eco-Efficiency of concrete sandwich panels with different insulation core materials. Sustainability 17(4) 1687.

Soares, T. Matias, L. Durães, P.N. Simões, J.J. Costa (2023). Thermophysical characterization of paraffin-based PCMs for low temperature thermal energy storage applications for buildings. Energy 269 (2023) 126745.

N. Rosa, N. Soares, J. Costa, A.G. Lopes (2023). Validation of a Simplified Numerical Model for Predicting Solid–Liquid Phase Change with Natural Convection in Ansys CFX. Inventions 8(4) (2023) 93.

L. Dias Pereira, N.B. Saraiva, N. Soares (2023). Hygrothermal behavior of cultural heritage buildings and climate change: Status and main challenges. Applied Sciences 13 (2023) 3445.

H. Monteiro, B. Moura, N. Soares (2022). Advancements in nano-enabled cement and concrete: Innovative properties and environmental implications. Journal of Building Engineering 56 (2022) 104736.

H. Monteiro, N. Soares (2022). Integrated life cycle assessment of a southern European house addressing different design, construction solutions, operational patterns, and heating systems. Energy Reports 8(3) (2022) 526-532.

N. Soares, N. Rosa, H. Monteiro, J.J. Costa (2021). Advances in standalone and hybrid earth-air heat exchanger (EAHE) systems for buildings: A review. Energy and Buildings 253 (2021) 111532.

V. Tavares, N. Soares, N. Raposo, P. Marques, F. Freire (2021). Prefabricated versus conventional construction: Comparing life-cycle impacts of alternative structural materials. Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102705.

H. Monteiro, F. Freire, N. Soares (2021). Life cycle assessment of a south European house addressing building design options for orientation, window sizing and building shape. Journal of Building Engineering 39 (2021) 102276.

N. Soares, N. Rosa, J.J. Costa, A.G. Lopes, T. Matias, P.N. Simões, L. Durães (2021). Validation of different numerical models with benchmark experiments for modelling microencapsulated-PCM-based applications for buildings. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 159 (2021) 106565.

L.D. Pereira, V. Tavares, N. Soares (2021). Up-to-date challenges for the conservation, rehabilitation and energy retrofitting of higher education cultural heritage buildings. Sustainability 13 (2021) 2061.

N. Rosa, N. Soares, J.J. Costa, P. Santos, H. Gervásio (2020). Assessment of an earth-air heat exchanger (EAHE) system for residential buildings in warm-summer Mediterranean climate. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 38 (2020) 100649.

N. Soares, J.J. Costa, A.R. Gaspar, T. Matias, P.N. Simões, L. Durães (2020). Can movable PCM-filled TES units be used to improve the performance of PV panels? Overview and experimental case-study. Energy and Buildings 210 (2020) 109743.

P. Santos, M. Gonçalves, C. Martins, N. Soares, J.J. Costa (2019). Thermal transmittance of lightweight steel framed walls: experimental versus numerical and analytical approaches. Journal of Building Engineering 25 (2019) 100776.

N. Soares, C. Martins, M. Gonçalves, P. Santos, L. Simões da Silva, J.J. Costa (2019). Laboratory and in-situ non-destructive methods to evaluate the thermal transmittance and behavior of walls, windows, and construction elements with innovative materials: a review. Energy and Buildings 182 (2019) 88–110.

E. Rodrigues, M.S. Fernandes, N. Soares, A. Gomes, A.R. Gaspar, J.J. Costa (2018). The potential impact of low thermal transmittance construction on the European design guidelines of residential buildings. Energy and Buildings 178 (2018) 379–390.

N. Soares, A.G. Martins, A.L. Carvalho, C. Caldeira, C. Du, É. Castanheira, E. Rodrigues, G. Oliveira, G.I. Pereira, J. Bastos, J.P. Ferreira, L.A. Ribeiro, N.C. Figueiredo, N. Šahović, P. Miguel, R. Garcia (2018). The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 95 (2018) 171–193.

E. Rodrigues, N. Soares, M.S. Fernandes, A.R. Gaspar, A. Gomes, J.J. Costa (2018). An integrated energy performance-driven generative design methodology to foster modular lightweight steel framed dwellings in hot climates. Energy for Sustainable Development 44 (2018) 21–36.

N. Soares, P. Santos, H. Gervásio, J.J. Costa, L. Simões da Silva (2017). Energy efficiency and thermal performance of lightweight steel-framed (LSF) construction: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 194–209.

N. Soares, C.F. Reinhart, A. Hajiah (2017). Simulation-based analysis of the use of PCM-wallboards to reduce cooling energy demand and peak-loads in low-rise residential heavyweight buildings in Kuwait. Building Simulation 10(4) (2017) 481–495.

N. Soares, J. Bastos, L.D. Pereira, A. Soares, A.R. Amaral, E. Asadi, E. Rodrigues, F.B. Lamas, H. Monteiro, M.A.R. Lopes, A.R. Gaspar (2017). A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 77 (2017) 845–860.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2016). Experimental evaluation of the heat transfer through small PCM-based thermal energy storage units for building applications. Energy and Buildings 116 (2016) 18–34.

N. Soares, L.D. Pereira, J.P. Ferreira, P. Conceição, P.P. da Silva (2015). Energy efficiency of higher education buildings: a case study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 16(5) (2015) 669–691.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2015). Experimental study of the heat transfer through a vertical stack of rectangular cavities filled with phase change materials. Applied Energy 142 (2015) 192–205.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2014). Multi-dimensional optimization of the incorporation of PCM-drywalls in lightweight steel-framed residential buildings in different climates. Energy and Buildings 70 (2014) 411–421.

N. Soares, J.J. Costa, A. Samagaio, R. Vicente (2014). Numerical evaluation of a phase change material–shutter using solar energy for winter nighttime indoor heating. Journal of Building Physics 37(4) (2014) 367–394.

N. Soares, J.J. Costa, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos (2013). Review of passive PCM latent heat thermal energy storage systems towards buildings' energy efficiency. Energy and Buildings 59 (2013) 82–103.

T. Silva, R. Vicente, N. Soares, V. Ferreira (2012). Experimental testing and numerical modeling of masonry wall solution with PCM incorporation: a passive construction solution. Energy and Buildings 49 (2012) 235–245.


Thesis / Dissertation

N. Soares (2015). Thermal energy storage with phase change materials (PCMs) for the improvement of the energy performance of buildings. PhD thesis in Sustainable Energy Systems, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2015. 

N. Soares (2010). Numerical modelling of a solar thermal energy storage system – "PCM Shutter" (in Portuguese). MSc dissertation, Master's degree in Energy for Sustainability in the specialization area of Indoor Climate and Comfort, Mechanical Engineering Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.

N. Soares (2008). RCCTE - Building energy certification and cost-benefit analysis in the improvement of the energy label (in Portuguese). MSc dissertation, Master's degree in Civil Engineering in the specialization area of Construction, Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2008.


Papers in scientific events

W. Monteiro, P. Pereira da Silva, N. Soares, C.R. Matos (2024). The evolution of carbon capture, utilization and storage: Innovations, challenges, and pathways to a low-carbon future. in: ICEE 2024 - 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics, Guimarães, Portugal, June 6-7, 2024.

T. Silva, H. Monteiro, B. Moura, N. Soares (2022). Eco-efficiency comparison of four concrete sandwich panels with different insulation core materials. in: ICEER 2022 - The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Porto, Portugal, September 12-16, 2022.

B. Moura, H. Monteiro, N. Soares (2022). Primary energy and carbon emissions of different concrete sandwich panels. in: ICEER 2022 - The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, Porto, Portugal, September 12-16, 2022.

H. Monteiro, B. Moura, N. Soares (2021). Sustainability of nano-enabled concrete aplications: a Review. in: CEES 2021 - Construction, Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Coimbra, Portugal, October 12-15, 2021.

V. Tavares, N. Soares, N. Raposo, P. Marques, F. Freire (2021). Comparison of conventional reinforced concrete houses with prefabricated lightweight steel-framed (LSF) houses: costs and environmental life-cycle impacts. in: CEES 2021 - Construction, Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Coimbra, Portugal, October 12-15, 2021.

H. Monteiro, N. Soares (2021). Integrated life cycle assessment of a south European house addressing different design, construction solutions, operational patterns, and heating systems. in: ICEER 2021 - The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research - Developing the World in 2021 with Clean and Safe Energy", Online, September 13-17, 2021.

N. Rosa, N. Soares, J.J. Costa, P. Santos, H. Gervásio (2021). Effect of different parameters on the thermal performance of an open-loop earth-air heat exchanger system. in: CLIMAMED 2020 - 10th Mediterranean Congress of Climatization "Towards Climate-Neutral Mediterranean Buildings and Cities", Lisbon, Portugal, May 11-12, 2021.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, T. Matias, A.G. Lopes, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2019). Temperature regulation of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic panels with movable thermal energy storage units filled with phase change materials. in: 6th International Conference on "Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change" - ESCC 2019, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 3–7, 2019.

N. Soares, N. Rosa, T. Matias, A.G. Lopes, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2019). An equivalent self-adjusted heat capacity method for modelling heat diffusion problems with solid-liquid phase-change. in: Energy for Sustainability International Conference 2019 - Designing a Sustainable Future, Turin, Italy, July 24–26, 2019.

N. Soares, A.G. Lopes, M. Gonçalves, A.R. Gaspar, C. Martins, T. Matias, P. Santos, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2018). Systems with PCM-filled rectangular cavities for the storage of solar thermal energy for buildings: the case of the PCMs4Buildings project. in: Book of extended abstracts and posters, Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018, pp. 4–6.

T. Matias, N. Soares, I. Campos-Gonçalves, J.J. Costa, P.N. Simões, L. Durães (2018). Thermophysical characterization of commercial paraffin-based PCMs for low temperature thermal energy storage applications. in: Book of extended abstracts and posters: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs, Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018, pp. 10–12.

N. Soares, A. Luzio, T. Matias, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2018). The importance of the thermophysical characterization of microencapsulated PCMs for the numerical analysis of the heat transfer with solid-liquid phase change. in: Book of extended abstracts and posters, Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018, pp. 13–19.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, F. Nunes, V. Lourenço, J.J. Costa (2018). Thermal regulation of photovoltaic modules using thermal energy storage units with PCMs. in: Book of extended abstracts and posters: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018, pp. 37–40.

P. Santos, M.G. Gonçalves, C. Martins, N. Soares, J.J. Costa (2018). Phase change materials for improving the thermal performance of LSF construction. in: Book of extended abstracts and posters, Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018, pp. 58–62.

M. Gonçalves, C. Martins, N. Soares, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2018). Desenvolvimento de um protocolo experimental para medir o desempenho térmico de paredes em LSF. in: CLBMCS 2018 | 3º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Materiais de Construção Sustentáveis, Coimbra, Portugal, February 14–16, 2018.

C. Martins, M. Gonçalves, P. Santos, J.J. Costa, N. Soares, L. Simões da Silva (2017). Determinação experimental do coeficiente de transmissão térmica de uma parede com estrutura leve em aço enformado a frio. in: XI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, iParque Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, November 23–24, 2017.

A.M.G. Gonçalves, P. Santos, N. Soares, J.J. Costa (2017). Materiais de mudança de fase (PCMs) para melhoria da eficiência energética de edifícios com estrutura metálica leve (LSF). in: XI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, iParque Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, November 23–24, 2017.

N. Soares, P. Antunes, A.R. Gaspar, J.J. Costa (2017). Thermal management of photovoltaics with thermal energy storage units filled with microencapsulated PCMs. in: Energy for Sustainability International Conference 2017 – Designing Cities & Communities for the Future, Funchal, Portugal, February 8–10, 2017.

N. Soares, P. Antunes, J.J. Costa (2017). Effective heat capacity method to simulate heat diffusion problems with phase change. in: Energy for Sustainability International Conference 2017 – Designing Cities & Communities for the Future, Funchal, Portugal, February 8–10, 2017.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2016). Small thermal energy storage units filled with microencapsulated PCMs for building applications. in: CINCOS'S 16 International Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction – New challenges for the habitat value chain, Lisbon, Portugal, November 3–4, 2016.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, A.G. Lopes, L. Durães, P.N. Simões, J.J. Costa (2016). Kick-off presentation of the project "PCMs4Buildings" – Systems with PCM-filled rectangular cavities for the storage of solar thermal energy for buildings. in: CINCOS’S 16 International Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction – New challenges for the habitat value chain, Lisbon, Portugal, November 3–4, 2016.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2015). Experimental evaluation of the heat transfer through small PCM thermal energy storage units for buildings applications. in: CLIMAMED 2015 – 8th Mediterranean Congress of Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning – Sustainable energy performance of buildings, Juan-les-Pins, France, September 10–11, 2015.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2014). Experimental setup to evaluate the heat transfer through a vertical stack of rectangular cavities filled with free-form PCMs for building applications. in: 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction, Funchal, Portugal, December 16–19, 2014.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2014). Improving the energy performance of light steel-framed construction with PCM-drywalls in Mediterranean climates. in: 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction, Funchal, Portugal, December 16–19, 2014.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2014). Optimizing the incorporation of PCM-drywalls in air-conditioned lightweight steel-framed residential buildings by coupling EnergyPlus and GenOpt. in: Eurotherm Seminar #99 – Advances in Thermal Energy Storage, Lleida, Spain, May 28–30, 2014.

N. Soares, P.F. Pais, A.R. Gaspar, J.J. Costa (2014). Avaliação experimental da transferência de calor em cavidades retangulares preenchidas com materiais de mudança de fase (PCMs). in: 7º Encontro Nacional do Colégio de Engenharia Mecânica – Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, 2014.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, J.J. Costa, P. Santos (2013). Coupling EnergyPlus and Genopt to optimize the incorporation of PCM-drywalls in lightweight steel framed buildings. in: Energy for Sustainability 2013 – Sustainable cities: designing for people and the planet, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8–10, 2013.

L.D. Pereira, N. Soares, P. Conceição, J.P. Ferreira, P.P. da Silva (2013). Improvement of the energy efficiency of a Portuguese university building. in: YRSB13 − iiSBE Forum of Young Researcher in Sustainable Building 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, June 25–26, 2013. 

N. Soares, J.J. Costa, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos (2013). Energy efficiency of buildings with passive thermal energy storage systems with PCMs. in: YRSB13 − iiSBE Forum of Young Researcher in Sustainable Building, Prague, Czech Republic, June 25–26, 2013.

N. Soares, P. Conceição, L.D. Pereira, J.P. Ferreira, P.P. da Silva (2012). Eficiência energética do bloco de ensino da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra: auditoria energética e medidas para a redução do consumo de energia. in: CINCOS'S 12 International Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction, Aveiro, Portugal, September 20–22, 2012.

N. Soares, J.P. Ferreira, L.D. Pereira, P. Conceição, P.P. da Silva (2012). Eficiência energética da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra: avaliação do comportamento dos utilizadores dos edifícios. in: CINCOS,S 12 International Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction, Aveiro, Portugal, September 20–22, 2012.

N. Soares, R. Vicente, T. Silva, J.J. Costa (2012). Energy retrofitting of university campus with latent heat loads from PCMs phase change processes: a science project proposal. in: First European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) Young Investigators Conference (YIC), Aveiro, Portugal, April 24–27, 2012.

N. Soares, R. Vicente, A. Samagaio, J.J. Costa (2012). Numerical modelling of the heat diffusion with PCM phase change processes using the enthalpy formulation. in: First European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) Young Investigators Conference (YIC), Aveiro, Portugal, April 24–27, 2012.

N. Soares, R. Vicente, A. Samagaio, J.J. Costa (2011). Investigation of a multi-layer latent heat solar thermal energy storage system with PCM. in: XII DBMC - 12th International Conference on Building Materials and Components, Oporto, Portugal, April 12–15, 2011.

T. Silva, R. Vicente, N. Soares (2011). PCM incorporation into building envelope masonry walls. in: XII DBMC - 12th International Conference on Building Materials and Components, Oporto, Portugal, April 12–15, 2011.

N. Soares, A. Samagaio, R. Vicente, J. Costa (2011). Numerical simulation of a PCM shutter for buildings space heating during the winter. in: WREC – World Renewable Energy Congress, Linkoping, Sweden, May 8–13, 2011.

T. Silva, R. Vicente, N. Soares, V. Ferreira (2010). Determinação numérica e experimental do impacto da incorporação de PCM para climatização passiva de um edifício. in: CINCOS'S 10 International Congress on Innovation in Sustainable Construction, Cúria, Portugal, November 4–6, 2010.

T. Meneses, R. Vicente, A. Costa, A. Figueiredo, H. Varum, N. Soares (2010). Comportamento térmico de construções em alvenaria de adobe: ensaios experimentais sobre três células de teste à escala 1:4. in: VII International Congress of Earth Architecture - Tradition and Innovation, Valladolid, Spain, September 25–26, 2010.

N. Soares, R. Vicente, A. Samagaio (2009). A orientação solar na determinação da classe de eficiência energética e na garantia de conforto térmico – caso de estudo. in: 3rd International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, Portalegre, Portugal, November 25–27, 2009.

A. Samagaio, J.M. Rocha, R. Vicente, N. Soares, J.A.R. Mendes da Silva (2009). Melhoria do desempenho térmico de edifícios históricos. in: 3rd International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management, Portalegre, Portugal, November 25–27, 2009.

N. Soares, D. Mateus, R. Vicente (2008). Estratégias para a melhoria da classe de certificação energética e análise custo-benefício. in: CINCOS'S 08 International Congress on Innovation in Sustainable Construction, Cúria, Portugal, October 23–25, 2008.


Posters in scientific events

C.B Costa, N. Soares (2024). Circularity strategies in construction sector in Angola - Comparison with Central African countries, Africa and the global scenario: bibliometric analysis. in: Tropical Summit - Foreseeing answers to global challenges, Lisbon, November 4-8, 2024.

C.B Costa, N. Soares (2024). Desenvolvimento sustentável em foco: Abordagem sobre a circularidade no sector da construção em Angola. in: 2ª Conferência Científica da Universidade de Luanda – Investigação, Extensão e Inovação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Inclusivo. Instituto Politécnico de Gestão, Logística e Transportes, Luanda, Angola, 20-24 Maio, 2024.

C.B Costa, N. Soares (2024). Desenvolvimento sustentável em foco: Abordagem sobre a circularidade no sector da construção em Angola. in:  Fórum de Diálogo Ciência e Sociedade. UNI.AO - Expertise France, Lubango, Angola, June 5-7, 2024.

N. Soares, A.G. Lopes, M. Gonçalves, A.R. Gaspar, C. Martins, T. Matias, P. Santos, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2018). Systems with PCM-filled rectangular cavities for the storage of solar thermal energy for buildings: the case of the PCMs4Buildings project. in: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018.

T. Matias, N. Soares, I. Campos-Gonçalves, J.J. Costa, P.N. Simões, L. Durães (2018). Thermophysical characterization of commercial paraffin-based PCMs for low temperature thermal energy storage applications. in: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018.

N. Soares, A. Luzio, T. Matias, P.N. Simões, L. Durães, J.J. Costa (2018). The importance of the thermophysical characterization of microencapsulated PCMs for the numerical analysis of the heat transfer with solid-liquid phase change. in: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, F. Nunes, V. Lourenço, J.J. Costa (2018). Thermal regulation of photovoltaic modules using thermal energy storage units with PCMs. in: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018.

P. Santos, M.G. Gonçalves, C. Martins, N. Soares, J.J. Costa (2018). Phase change materials for improving the thermal performance of LSF construction. in: Seminar PCMs4Buildings – PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings' applications, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, June 14–15, 2018.

N. Soares, A.G. Lopes, A.R. Gaspar, C. Martins, L. Durães, M. Gonçalves, P. Santos, P.N. Simões, T. Matias, J.J. Costa (2018). Apresentação do projeto PCMs4Buildings. in: XI Encontro Iniciativa EfS – Estudantes e Empresas, 2018, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, March 7, 2018.

N. Soares, A.G. Lopes, A.R. Gaspar, L. Durães, M. Gonçalves, P. Santos, P.N. Simões, T. Matias, J.J. Costa (2017). Apresentação do projeto PCMs4Buildings – Sistemas com cavidades retangulares com materiais de mudança de fase (PCMs) para o aproveitamento de energia solar térmica em edifícios. in: Workshop Sistemas de construção LSF (Lightweight Steel Framing): Apresentação do processo / sistema LSF System B(A)a, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, October 4, 2017.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, C.F. Reinhart, J.J. Costa (2016). Thermal energy storage with phase change materials (PCMs) for the improvement of the energy performance of buildings. in: 2016 MIT Portugal annual conference: 10 years engineering a better future, University of Minho, Campus of Gualtar, Braga, June 30, 2016.

N. Soares (2015). Thermal energy storage with PCMs towards buildings' energy efficiency. in: EFS 2015 Meeting – students and companies, MIT-Portugal program, ITeCons, Coimbra, Portugal, December 9, 2015.

N. Soares (2015). Thermal energy storage with phase change materials (PCMs) towards buildings' energy efficiency. in: Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) report, 2015.

N. Soares (2014). Thermal energy storage with phase change materials (PCMs) for the improvement of the energy performance of buildings. in: 2nd Training School – Numerical Modelling of Thermal Energy Storage Systems, INNOSTORAGE: Use of Innovative Thermal Energy Storage for Marked Energy Savings and Significant Lowering CO2 Emissions, University of Lyon, Lyon, France, June 15–17, 2015. 

N. Soares (2014). Thermal energy storage with PCMs towards buildings' energy efficiency - Nelson's PhD board game. in: EFS 2014 Meeting - students and companies, MIT-Portugal program, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, December 3, 2014.

A. Irani, A. Pina, K. Gertz, N. Jones, N. Soares (2014). Al-Qadisiya, Kuwait City: Sustainable Urban Retrofit and Design. Course Project for MIT 4.433 Modeling Urban Energy Flows – Towards Sustainable Cities and Neighborhoods. Instructors: C. Reinhart, C. Cerezo, T. Dogan and T. Rakha, Spring 2014. in: MITEI Symposium: Large Opportunities, Complex Challenges, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, May 12, 2014.

N. Soares, A.R. Gaspar, P. Santos, J.J. Costa (2014). Optimizing the incorporation of PCM-drywalls in air-conditioned lightweight steel-framed residential buildings by coupling EnergyPlus and GenOpt. in: Eurotherm Seminar #99 - Advances in Thermal Energy Storage, Lleida, Spain, May 28–30, 2014.

N. Soares (2013). Improving energy efficiency of lightweight steel-framed residential buildings with PCM-drywalls. in: EFS 2013 Meeting - students and companies, MIT-Portugal program, ADAI-UC, Coimbra, Portugal, December 3, 2013.

N. Soares (2013). Passive latent heat thermal energy storage systems with phase change materials for the improvement of lightweight building's energy efficiency. in: Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) report, 2013.

N. Soares (2012). Multi-dimensional optimization of the incorporation of PCM-drywalls in light steel frame residential buildings in different European climates. in: UKERC International Summer School 2013, University of Warwick, UK, July 7–12, 2013.

N. Soares (2012). Passive latent heat thermal energy storage systems with phase change materials for the improvement of lightweight building's energy efficiency. in: EFS 2012 Meeting - students and companies, MIT-Portugal program, ITECONS, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, December 19, 2012.

N. Soares, J.P. Ferreira, L. Pereira, P. Conceição, P.P. da Silva (2012). Eficiência energética da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra: avaliação do comportamento dos utilizadores dos edifícios. in: CINCOS'S 12 International Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction, Aveiro, Portugal, September 20–22, 2012.

N. Soares, J.P. Ferreira, L.D. Pereira, P. Conceição, P.P. da Silva (2012). Presentation of the project "Watt, we could save!". in: Award ceremony: Green Campus Challenge - Energy Efficiency in Higher Education, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, July 5, 2012.

N. Soares (2012). A new PCM system using solar energy for winter time indoor heating: a numerical study. in: Energy Night Portugal, Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1, 2012.

N. Soares (2011). Energy for sustainability initiative: an incubator for entrepreneurial and innovative technological ideas - proposal of a new latent heat solar thermal energy storage system. in: EFS 2011 Meeting - students and companies, MIT Portugal program, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, November 23, 2011.

N. Soares (2010). Desenvolvimento de um modelo numérico para um sistema de armazenamento de energia solar térmica – "PCM Shutter". in: EFS 2010 Meeting - students and companies, MIT Portugal program, ITECONS, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, November 22, 2010.

N. Soares (2009). Numerical Investigation of a latent solar heat thermal energy storage PCM-multi-layer system – PCM Shutter. in: EFS 2009 Meeting - students and companies, MIT Portugal program, DEEC, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, September 30, 2009.