Name: Luís Filipe Martins Menezes
                        Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
            Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra
            Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
                        Pólo II da Universidade de Coimbra - Pinhal de Marrocos
Tel: +351 239 790700            Fax: +351 239 790701           E-mail:


Luís Filipe Martins Menezes is “Professor Catedrático” at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC). From 2013 to 2019 he was vice rector of the University of Coimbra. From 2005 and 2013 was vice-Dean of FCTUC and was till 2010 coordinator of the research unit “Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra” (CEMUC) (80 PhD permanent researchers). After the conclusion of its PhD, in 1995, he builds a research team in the field of the numerical simulation and computational mechanics, which allow developing at CEMUC a computational mechanics lab. This research group participate in several research networks, national and international, related to the computational mechanics applied to mechanical technology, namely to the mechanical modeling and numerical simulation of sheet metal forming. The research interest are related to the physics and mechanics of large deformation processes, computational mechanics, mechanical modeling and numerical simulation, algorithms and programming, optimization, identification and calibration of constitutive models. Up to now he was the scientific responsible of several post-doctoral programs at CEMUC and 10 PhD Thesis. In the last 15 years he was scientific Principal Investigator at CEMUC of 12 research projects with overall financial costs of around 4 000 000 Euros, all in the computational mechanics field. He is (or was) part of the research team of around 20 other research projects. He is author or co-author of around 250 publications (chapters of books, papers in international journals, conferences) in subjects related with its research activities. He is author or co-author of several codes for the numerical simulation of technological processes. In 1999 he was awarded with the European ESAFORM Scientific Prize, by the European Scientific Association for Material Forming. In 2007, its team, with the company Creative Tech, have won the prize “Concurso Nacional de Inovação BES”, in the sector of Industrial processes, with the project “d-form”.
Academic degrees:
2003    “Agregação” in Mechanical Engineering  by University of Coimbra.
1995    PhD in Mechanical Engineering by University of Coimbra
1987    “Licenciatura” in Mechanical Engineering by University of Coimbra.
Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities:

2012- "Professo Catedrático at the Mechanical Engineering Department of The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (DEM-FCTUC).

2004-12             “Professor Associado com Agregação” no DEM-FCTUC.
2003-04          “Professor Auxiliar com Agregação” no DEM-FCTUC.
1995-03          “Professor Auxiliar” no DEM-FCTUC.
1989-95          “Assistente” no DEM-FCTUC.
1987-89          “Assistente Estagiário” no DEM-FCTUC.
1985-87          “Monitor” no DEM-FCTUC.
Area of scientific activity
After the PhD, in 1995, it was his concern the development of a consistent team in the field of the numerical simulation, conducting to the creation of the computational mechanics laboratory. This group participates in research networks, nationals and internationals, emphasizing the activities related with computational mechanics applied to technology, namely, mechanical modeling and numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes.
Domain of specialization
Mechanical Engineering, specialization in computational mechanics, namely in the field of mechanical technology in sheet metal forming. Numerical methods in the simulation of sheet metal forming processes.
Present research interests
Physics and mechanics of elastoplastic large deformations. Computational mechanics. Sheet metal forming. Mechanical modeling and numerical simulation. Identification and calibration of constitutive models with evolutionary algorithms.
Other skills/activities
Programming and algorithmics. Numerical simulation of technologic processes
He is author or co-author of several finite element codes developed for the simulations of plastic deformations processes (some of them in continuous update), namely (RESSTR (1990), EPEX3D (1990), EPIM3D (1991-2004), EPIM2D (1995), HAFILM (1997-), TROTE3D (1998-2004), EDI3D (2000), TRFILM (2002-2004), DD3LT (2004), DD3IMP (1993-), DD3OSS (2001-), DD3SHAPE (2007-), DD3TRIM (2005-), DD3MESH (2009-).
Publications ISI (2010-):



  1. P.D. Barros, A.J. Baptista, J.L. Alves, M.C. Oliveira, D.M. Rodrigues, L.F. Menezes, Trimming of 3D solid finite element meshes: sheet metal forming tests and applications. Engineering with Computers, 31, 237–257, 2015. URL:

  2. Ali Khalfallah; Joé Luís Alves; Marta Cristina Oliveira; Luís Filipe Menezes; Influence of the characteristics of the experimental data set used to identify anisotropy parameters; Journal: Simulation Modelling Practice and TheorySimulation Modelling Practice and Theory 53 (2015) 15–44

  3. H. Laurent, J. Coër, P.Y. Manach, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes; Experimental and numerical studies on the warm deep drawing of an Al-Mg alloy; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; Available online 19 January 2015.

  4. D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes; Influence of the plastic anisotropy modelling in the reverse deep drawing process simulation; Materials and Design, 60, 368–379, 2014

  5. D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, J.L. Alves; Applying Nagata patches to smooth discretized surfaces used in 3D frictional contact problems; Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 271 (2014) 296–320.

  6. D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes and P.Y. Manach, “Applying Nagata Patches in the Description of Smooth Tool Surfaces used in Sheet Metal Forming Simulations”, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 554-557, pp 2277-2284, 2013. doi:10.4028/

  7. V.M. Simões, H. Laurent, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, P.Y. Manach and L.F. Menezes, “Sensitivity analysis of process parameters in the drawing and ironing processes”, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 554-557, pp 2256-2265, 2013. doi:10.4028/

  8. P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves and L.F. Menezes, “Earing prediction in drawing and ironing processes using an advanced yield criterion”, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 554-557, pp 2266-2276, 2013. doi:10.4028/

  9. D.M. Neto, , M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, J.L. Alves, “Nagata patch interpolation using surface normal vectors evaluated from the IGES file”, aceite para publicação na Finite Elements in Analysis and Design.

  10. P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Pre-Strain Effect on Springback of 2-D Draw Bending, Accepted to be published in International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation

  11. J. Coër, P.Y. Manach, H. Laurent, L.F. Menezes, M.C. Oliveira, Piobert-Lüders plateau and Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in an Al-Mg alloy in simple shear, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 48, Pages 1–7, 2013

  12. D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, J.L. Alves, Improving Nagata patch interpolation applied for tool surface description in sheet metal forming simulation, Computer-Aided Design, 45, 639–656, 2013.

  13. H. Aguir, J.L. Alves, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, H. BelHadjSalah; Cazacu and Barlat criterion identification using the cylindrical cup deep drawing test and the coupled artificial neural networks–genetic algorithm method, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 504-506, pp 637-642, 2012.

  14. R. Padmanabhan, MC Oliveira, LF Menezes, Lightweight metal alloy tailor welded blanks, in TAILOR WELDED BLANKS FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, Editors: Kinsey, BL; Wu, X; Woodhead Publishing in Materials, 97-117, 2011 

  15. F. Teixeira-Dias, L.F. Menezes, Thermal Residual Stresses in Aluminium Matrix Composites, in HEAT TRANSFER IN MULTI-PHASE MATERIALS, Editors: Ochsner, A; Murch, GE, Advanced Structured Materials, Volume: 2, Pages: 33-62, 2011 

  16. L. Figueiredo, A. Ramalho, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, Experimental study of friction in sheet metal forming, Wear, 271, 1651– 1657, 2011.

  17. M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, A. Ramalho, Finite Element Analysis of the Amontons-Coulomb's Model using Local and Global Friction Tests, 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL FORMING ESAFORM, PROCEEDINGS  Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011, 1353,1812-1817.

  18. L.F. Menezes, D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, Improving Computational Performance through HPC Techniques: case study using DD3IMP in-house code, 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL FORMING ESAFORM, PROCEEDINGS  Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2011, 1353, 1220-1225

  19. M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, K. Ito, N. Mori; Local Bifurcation and Instability Theory Applied to Formability Analysis, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol.4, 347 - 356, 2010, 2011.

  20. R. Grèze, P. Y. Manach, H. Laurent, S. Thuillier and L. F. Menezes; Influence of the temperature on residual stresses and springback effect in an aluminium alloy; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 52, 1094-1100, 2010.

  21. B.D. Buco, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, K. Ito and N. Mori, Local Bifurcation and Instability Theory Applied to Formability Analysis, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Volume: 1252, Pages: 409-416, 2010.

  22. D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Local Interpolation for Tools Surface Description, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Volume: 1252, Pages: 479-486, 2007, 2010.

  23. H. Laurent, R. Grèze, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, P.Y. Manach, J.L. Alves, Numerical study of springback using the split-ring test for an AA5754 aluminum alloy, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46, 751–759, 2010.

  24. J.V. Fernandes, J.M. Antunes, N.A. Sakharova, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, Young's modulus of thin films using depth-sensing indentation, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90 (1), 9–22, 2010.

  25. P.A. Prates, J.V. Fernandes, M.C. Oliveira, N.A. Sakharova and L.F. Menezes, On the characterization of the plastic anisotropy in orthotropic sheet metals with a cruciform biaxial test, Journal of Physics (IOP Conference Series): Materials Science and Engineering, 10, 012142, 2010.

  26. A. Kolevska, R. Padmanabhan, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Finite element analysis of the influence of the restraining force in the draw-bend test, International Journal of Materials Forming, 3 (1), 143-146, 2010.

  27. F.I. Pereira, M.C. Oliveira, A. Ramalho, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, R. Padmanabhan, Finite element Analysis on the influence of material mechanical properties in local contact conditions, International Journal of Materials Forming, 3 (1), 139 142, 2010.

  28. S. Thuillier, P.Y. Manach, L.F. Menezes; Occurence of strain path changes in a two-stage deep drawing process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210, 226–232, 2010.

  29. D.M. Rodrigues, C. Leitão, L.F. Menezes; A multi-step analysis for determining admissible blank-holder forces in 3 deep-drawing operations, Materials and Design, 31, 1475–1481, 2010.