
2002 – 2003: Post-Doc at the University of Toronto, Canada.


2002: PhD in Statistics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Advisers: Prof. Bruce Hill and Prof. George Michailidis.

Dissertation title: A Contribution to the Estimation of the tail Index of Heavy-tailed distributions.


1996: Master's Degree in Probability and Statistics from the University of Lisbon - School of Sciences (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - FCUL). Adviser: Prof. Maria Ivette Gomes.

Dissertation title: Comparison of Semi-parametrical Methods in the Estimation of the Tail Index. (Comparação de Métodos Semi-paramétricos Estimação do Índice de Cauda).


1993: Bachelor’s Degree (Licenciatura) in Probability and Statistics from the University of Lisbon - School of Sciences (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - FCUL).