Emai: silvio.santos@fl.uc.pt

Office: 6th floor, FLUC, Gabinete da Direção do Departamento de Filosofia, Comunicação e Informação. 

Office hours: Tuesday, 09-11h (2021/22)


Short bio:Wednesday

Sílvio Correia Santos holds a PhD in Communication Sciences and is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. 

Currently is the head of the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information (21/23)

Currently a member of the following research projects: 

- Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity (BiPE) - PTDC/COM-CSS/29610/2017;

- MyGender - Mediated young adults practices: advancing gender justice in and across mobile apps (PTDC/COM-CSS/5947/2020)

MediaTrust.Lab - Local Media Lab for Civic Trust and Literacy (PTDC/COM-JOR/3866/2020)

VIOxMulheres19 (FCT Proj. n.058 Gender Research4Covid-19)

Some of his recent publications:

Santos , S. C. (2021). Fake news: cómo entender la evolución del engaño mediático. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (54), 122–139. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2021.i54.07

Inês Amaral; Santos, Sílvio. "Social networks and institutional communication: the case of Portuguese universities". Revista Prisma Social 28 (2020): 20-43. https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/3371.

Santos, Sílvio; Ana Peixinho. "A redescoberta do storytelling: o sucesso dos podcasts não ficcionais como reflexo da viragem narrativa". Estudos em Comunicação 29 (2019): 147-158. http://ojs.labcom-ifp.ubi.pt/index.php/ec/article/view/555.

João Figueira; Sílvio Santos. "Percepción de las noticias falsas en universitarios de Portugal: análisis de su consumo y actitudes". El Profesional de la Información 28 3 (2019): https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2019.may.15.

De Simões, Rita Basílio; Amaral, Inês; Santos, Sílvio. "Tracking the outbreak and far beyond: How are public authorities using mobile apps to control Covid-19 pandemic". In Perspectivas multidisciplinares da Comunicação em contexto de Pandemia, edited by Cádima, Francisco Rui; Ferreira, Ivone, 165-181. Lisboa, Portugal: ICNOVA, 2021.

Santos, Sílvio. "Um lugar novo para o regresso das histórias ao jornalismo". In De que falamos quando falamos de jornalismo? Temas emergentes de pesquisa, edited by Correia, João Carlos; Amaral, Inês, 195-214. Covilhã, Portugal, 2021.

Figueira, João; Santos, Sílvio. "A mutação viral das fake news nas sociedades contemporâneas e as literacias mediáticas". In Media, Informação e Literacia: Rumos e Perspetivas, edited by De Simões, Rita Basílio; Maria Beatriz Marques; Figueira, João, 51-60. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

Santos, Sílvio; Amaral, Inês (F915-37F1-0A8D); Camisão, Isabel. "Benefits, identity and values. Discussing the perceptions of higher education students about being part of Europe". Paper presented in INTED 2021 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2021.

De Simões, Rita Basílio; Amaral, Inês; Santos, Sílvio. "Gender and journalism education: Undergraduate students responses to the global media monitoring project". Paper presented in INTED 2021 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2021.

De Simões, Rita Basílio; Santos, Sílvio; Amaral, Inês. "Learning online abuse detection and prevention through informal education". Paper presented in INTED 2021 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2021.

Santos, Sílvio; Amaral, Inês; De Simões, Rita Basílio. "Not one thing nor the other: Evaluating a hybrid model in higher education classes in Portugal during covid-19". Paper presented in INTED 2021 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2021.

Santos, Sílvio. "Is it true? Mapping the fact-checking projects in Portugal". In Aproximación Periodística Y Educomunicativa al Fenómeno de las Redes Sociales, edited by Domínguez, A., 971-983. Madrir, Spain: McGraw-Hill, 2019.

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