Research Interests
Episodic memory, Autobiographical memory; Memory and aging; Witnesses memory; False memories; Memory assessment; Prospective memory; Adaptive memory (survival processing).
Studies concluded and in progress
Longitudinal study on retention of semantic knowledge in psychology students
False memories (DRM paradigm; repeated emotional events)
SPT (Subject-Performed Tasks) in older adults
Forgetting elicited by diversion thought (task-unrelated thoughts) - diversion paradigm
Survival processing
survival processing effect in elderly, mild mentally retarded adults, individuals with depressive symptomatology, individuals subject to a non-custodial sentences
in the context of the directed forgetting paradigm
with part-list cuing
in the context of the diversion paradigm
compared to the enactment processing (Subject-Performed Tasks)
Autobiographical memory in bipolar disorder, and in prisoners
Implicit memory (repetition priming) in aging
Memory rehabilitation with SenseCam
Release of proactive interference and working memory capacity
Memory assessment (Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test - Children; Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-Revised; Benton Visual Retention Test; Autobiographical Memory Test; Visual Association Test; Pyramids and Palm Trees; Cambridge Prospective Memory Test; Running Memory Test; Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire-Revised version; Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – R; Test Episodique de Mémoire du Passé Autobiographique; Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery-Alzheimer; Fuld Object Memory Evaluation; Royal Prince Alfred Prospective Memory Test; Delayed Word Recall Test)
Study of the knowledge of police, lawyers, and judges on factors influencing eyewitnesses testimonies reliability
Interrogative suggestibility (studies with the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scales I e II and the Bonn Test of Statement Suggestibility in children, younger adults, older adults, delinquents, women victims of marital violence, prisoners; exploratory study with a new test of interrogative suggestibility, like the GSS but with visual material)