Maria Filomena Botelho is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, has graduated in Medicine in 1981, has completed her PhD on Medicine (Physiological Sciences - Biophysics) in 1992, and her Habilitation on Medicine (Physiological and Technological Sciences - Biophysics) in 2000.
She is Director of Biophysics Institute of FMUC and Leader of the Research Line Modelling in Cancer at CIMAGO, iCBR. Since then, Maria Filomena Botelho counts with more than 30 years of experience on research on Biophysics, Development of animal models for human diseases (cancer, cardiac ischemia), Nuclear Oncology (from molecular biology to molecular imaging) Photodynamic therapy in in vitro and in vivo models and Radiopharmacy.
These years of experience have resulted in the publication of 276 full papers published in international and national journals, 10 book chapters; 2 as editor, >950 articles published in the form of abstracts in international and national journals, with a total of more than 1200 presentations in conferences, scientific meetings, in the form of lectures, oral presentations and posters, rendering a total a total of 3415 citations and an h-index of 29 on WoS (ResearcherID: G-1860-2011); 3736 citations and an h-index of 30 on Scopus (Scopus Author ID: 7005751167); 5950 citations and an h-index of 40 (Google Scholar - Qlilg6YAAAAJ).
Moreover, Maria Filomena Botelho in the last 5 years has published more than 50 papers in Q1 journals, with impact factor ranging from 1.8 to 9.8. Maria Filomena Botelho has also a large teaching and supervision experience, 7 pst-Doc students, 32 doctoral students (20 completed and 12 on going) and 80 master students (75 completed and 4 ongoing). Importantly, she has strong skills in Biophysics,
Development of animal models for human diseases, Nuclear Oncology, Photodynamic therapy and Radiopharmacy which have been fundamental for her research and allowed to participated in 4 international funded projects and 3 national funded projects in the last 5 years. Maria Filomena Botelho has participated as collaborator on 20 projects and as principal investigator on 24 projects during their career. Maria Filomena Botelho has also been awarded 75 awards since 1988.