Full name: José Simão Antunes do Carmo
Affiliation: University of Coimbra, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Street Luis Reis Santos – Polo II of the University, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal.
Phone: +351 239 797 153 (office) +351 918 085 182 (private) / E-mail: jsacarmo@dec.uc.pt
Academic degrees
• Aggregation (the highest degree conferred by the Portuguese universities) in Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal (2003).
• Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering - Hydraulics, University of Coimbra (1995).
• M.Sc. in Hydraulics and Water Resources, University of Lisbon (IST), Portugal (1990).
• Graduation in Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra (1980).
Present position
Associate Professor with Aggregation, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal – since 2005.
Main scientific areas of research
Hydrodynamics; Morphodynamics; Fluvial and Coastal processes; Waves and currents; Storms; Oil spills; Water quality; Renewable energy: ocean waves and tides; Climate change; Numerical modelling.
Recent awards and scientific recognitions (last 6 years)
• In 2015, he participated in the evaluation process of proposals submitted for "future Centres of Excellence in the Republic of Croatia" (invited by the National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of Croatia).
• In 2016, he integrated the international panel of project evaluators submitted to the "OCEANERA-NET - 2016 Call for Ocean Energy".
• In 2016, he received a Certificate of Outstanding in Reviewing, awarded by Elsevier in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling.
• In 2016, he received a Certificate of Outstanding in Reviewing, awarded by Elsevier in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal of Hydrology.
• In 2017, he received a Certificate of Outstanding in Reviewing, awarded by Elsevier in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management.
• In 2017, he received a Certificate of Outstanding in Reviewing, awarded by Elsevier in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal of Marine Systems.
• In 2019, he received a Certificate of Top Peer Reviewer 2019, powered by Publons, Web of Science Group, Clarivate Analytics, for placing in the top 1% of reviewers in Cross-Field on Publons global reviewer database.
• In 2020, he participated as an Invited External Reviewer in the Highly Competitive Postdoctoral Programme PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) operated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), a publicly-funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany.
• In 2020-2022, he has been serving as the Project Peer Reviewer (Expert Consultant) of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. Contract during the period started on November 20, 2020, and has a duration of 2 (two) years.
• In 2021, he has been serving as an Invited Reviewer at the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, NWO, in reviewing research proposals.
• In 2022, on behalf of UNESCO, he has been invited to review the Country Profile (Portugal) with the aim of improving the evidence base on the implementation of national education policies in communication and education on climate change.
• In 2022, on behalf of the EU, he has been serving as an Expert Evaluator of proposals submitted in response to the following calls for proposals: HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02, HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-04, HORIZON-MISS-2021- OCEAN-02, HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-03, HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-05. Contract agreed with the European Commission Research Executive Agency (CINEA) at 2022.05.04. Expert Contract Number - CT-EX2002B009249-102.
• In 2022, he received a Certificate awarded by Elsevier for “exceptional contribution as a reviewer to ensure the excellence and high quality of papers published in Ocean & Coastal Management in 2019-2021”.
• In 2023, a second contract was signed as an Expert consultant of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia during the period commencing on 10.07.2023 and continuing until 31.12.2023.
• In 2024, he was the winner of the JMSE 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award given by MDPI.
Significant activities/positions
• Regular cooperation with several International ISI/WoS Journals in reviewing papers submitted for publication, most notably the International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Ecological Modelling, Hydrology, Ocean and Coastal Management, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Ocean Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Journal of Marine Systems, Journal of Coastal Research, Applied Ocean Research, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Advances in Engineering Software, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Water, Applied Sciences, Physics of Fluids, Drones, Energies, Mathematics, Journal of Hydroinformatics, and Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
• Reviewer of 4 books, over 450 papers submitted to international conferences, and 735 research papers submitted to international scientific journals, to date, 685 of which have been submitted to ISI/WoS journals of high impact factor (653 verified on Web of Science of Clarivate Analytics).
• Member of the Scientific Committee of thirty-eight National and International Congresses; Chairman or Member of the Organizing Committee of twenty-two National and International Congresses, and Invited Speaker in over thirty Seminars/Conferences.
• Scientific Advisor of three Research Programs of undergraduate and post-doctoral students, twenty-six Master Dissertations, and two Ph.D. theses in Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics, and Water Resources.
• Coordinator of the “Water, Environment and Development” program, which included two Master Courses and several annual Postgraduate Courses, from June 1996 to June 2000.
• Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Degree Course of DEC-FCTUC (pre-Bologna), in 1999 and 2000.
• Coordinator of the Master Course in “Environmental Engineering”, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, in the period May 2004 to December 2010.
• Director of the Portuguese Journal of Water Resources, in the period July 1998 to December 2015.
• Co-Editor of the International Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, in the period October 2006 to December 2016.
• Editorial Board Member of The Open Ocean Engineering Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, in the period November 2007 to December 2013.
• Editorial Board Member of Ocean & Coastal Management Journal, Elsevier, since August 2012.
• Editorial Board Member of Territorium, Portuguese Association of Risks, Prevention and Security, FLUC, since January 2014.
• Editorial Board Member for the “Risks and Catastrophes: Cindynic Studies” Series of the Portuguese Association of Risks, Prevention and Security, with several books edited by the University of Coimbra Press, since 2016.
• Editorial Board member for the Modelling journal, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, since 2019 (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/modelling/editors).
• Topic Board member for the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, since 2019 (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jmse/topic_editors).
Main research projects
• He participated as coordinator and/or researcher in eighteen scientific research projects, five of which were directly funded by the European Union.
• Among the projects in which he participated, he was co-coordinator and principal investigator for a TMN project in 1999-2000, and coordinator and principal investigator for four research projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the periods of 1995-1998, 2001-2003, 2003-2005 and from January 2008 to mid-2011.
• Researcher and IMAR team coordinator of three projects submitted under the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology re-equipment program, in 2004, having been granted funding for two of them (over one million and a half Euros).
• IMAR team coordinator in 2004 for a scientific research proposal presented for financing by PETROBRAS-Brazil. This proposal was ranked in the top 200 of the 20,000 submitted.
• Coordinator and principal investigator of the "Leirosa dune system recovery project - 4th and 5th phases", funded by CELBI-SOPORCEL from 2006 to 2010.
• Coordinator and principal investigator for two research proposals submitted to FCT in 2012, both rated as Excellent (the first with three Excellent and one Outstanding, and the second with two Excellent and two Outstanding) (not funded).
• Researcher in the research proposal “SWEEPS: Sea Waves Electrical Energy Production System”, submitted to Foundation for Science and Technology, under the call for “Exploration Projects of SR & TD in all Scientific Domains-2013” (rated very good, not funded).
• Researcher and task coordinator for a research proposal submitted to FCT in 2015, rated as Excellent (three Excellent and one Outstanding) (not funded).
• Researcher and coordinator of the WP “Floods” in the research proposal “SOSP - Science Opportunities Saving Population”, submitted to EU under the call “H2020-DRS-2015” (countries involved: Portugal, Spain, France, UK, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece) (rated good, not funded).
• In 2016-2017 he was an Advisor to the NERITICAL project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA-EOEI) through the Earth Observation Entrepreneurs Initiative program. Other international advisors were James Manning (NOAA) and Jeannine DeMicco (USA, project manager advisor).
Overall publications
• Author of sixty-two papers published in leading international peer-reviewed journals such as Ecological Modelling, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Advances in Engineering Software, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Coastal and Ocean Management, Coastal Engineering, Natural Hazards, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Wave Motion and Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
• Author of twenty papers published in leading national peer-reviewed journals such as Water Resources and Territorium.
• Author of one hundred and five papers (peer-reviewed) in International Conferences; forty-eight of them published as book chapters with ISBN/ISSN, and others with abstracts published in scientific journals with DOI.
• Author of thirty-two papers (peer-reviewed) in National Conferences; six of them were published as book chapters with ISBN/ISSN and/or DOI.
• Author of seventeen book chapters (peer-reviewed), twelve of them in International Scientific Editions, all with ISBN/ISSN.
• Author of forty scientific Reports, about thirty-eight lectures as an Invited Speaker, and thirty-six opinion articles.
• Author of the book “Modeling in Fluvial Hydraulics and Environment” (peer-reviewed), 443p., University of Coimbra Press (first edition in 2004 and second edition in 2009). ISBN 972-8704-28-3 (in Portuguese).
• Author of the book “Physical Processes and Computational Models in Coastal Engineering” (peer-reviewed), 452p., University of Coimbra Press (first edition in 2016). ISBN 978-989-26-1152-5 (in Portuguese).
• Co-Author of the book “Numerical Methods in Engineering” (peer-reviewed), ~320p. (authors: J.M. Abreu & J.S. Antunes do Carmo), University of Coimbra Press, 2019 (in Portuguese) (in progress).
• Editor of thirty-eight issues of the Portuguese Journal of Water Resources, with over two hundred and fifty papers.
• Co-Editor of thirty-four issues of the International Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, with over three hundred and thirty papers.
• Editor of the book "River Basin Management: Sustainability Issues and Planning Strategies" (peer-reviewed), 9 chapters, 214 pages, pub. IntechOpen, London, UK, 2021. Print ISBN 978-1-83968-130-1, Online ISBN 978-1-83968-131-8. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.91591.
• Editor of the book “Coastal and Marine Environments: Physical Processes and numerical modelling” (peer-reviewed), 6 chapters, 140 pages, pub. IntechOpen, London, UK, 2020. Print ISBN 978-1-78984-359-0, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.77408.
• Editor of the book “Natural Hazards - Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Reduction” (peer-reviewed), 9 chapters, 180 pages, pub. IntechOpen, London, UK, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78984-821-2, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.73232.
• Guest Editor for the Special Issue “REEFS” of the Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering (WoS journal, FI = 2.033), 4 papers, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2020.
• Co-Editor of the book “IX Symposium on the Atlantic Margin – Book of Proceedings”, 344p., Coimbra (Eds: P.P. Cunha, P. Dinis, J. Dias, H. Veríssimo, L.V. Duarte, F.C. Lopes, A.F. Bessa & J.A. Carmo), 2018. ISBN 978-989-98914-3-2.
• Co-Editor of the book “Innovation and Collaborative Management for Coastal Zones Sustainability”, Braga, 92p. (Eds: J.S. Antunes do Carmo J.S., J.L. Pinho & H. Granja), 2017. ISBN: 978-989-20-7316-3 (in Portuguese).
• Co-Editor of the book “VIII Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Zones of Portuguese Speaking Countries”, Aveiro, 141p. (Eds: C. Coelho, B. Marinho, M. Lima and J.S. Antunes do Carmo), 2015. ISBN 978-989-8509-12-3 (in Portuguese).
• Co-Editor of the book “Advances in Water Quality Control” (peer-reviewed), 330p. (Eds: G. Krantzberg, G. Tanik, J.S. Antunes do Carmo & A. Indarto), 2010. ISBN 978-1-935068-08-2.
• Co-Editor of the book “Integrated Management Perspectives of Coastal Environments”, Porto, 244p. (Eds: F. Veloso Gomes, J.S. Antunes do Carmo & F. Taveira Pinto), 2002. ISBN 972-8558-07-4 (in Portuguese).
• Co-Editor of the book “Water Pollution VIII: Modelling, Monitoring and Management”, Bologna, Italy, 651p. WITPRESS. (Eds: C. Brebbia & J.S. Antunes do Carmo), 1996. ISBN 1-84564-042-X.
• Co-Editor of the book “River Basin Management III”, Bologna, Italy, 648p. WITPRESS (Eds: C. Brebbia & J.S. Antunes do Carmo), 1995. ISBN 1-84564-023-3.
• Co-Editor of the book “VII EnaSB – National Meeting of Basic Sanitation” (two volumes), Coimbra, 541p. and 110p. (Eds: J.L. Pedroso de Lima, J.S. Antunes do Carmo e J.M. Abreu), 1996 (in Portuguese).
Recent publications (last 6 years) and others in press, or in progress
• In 2015: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2015. Closure to “Boussinesq and Serre type models with improved linear dispersion characteristics: Applications” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Taylor & Francis, Volume 53, Number 2, 284-285, doi: 10.1080/00221686.2015.1012656.
• In 2015: Gomes M.P., Pinho J.L.S., Antunes do Carmo J.S., Lara L.I.V., 2015. “Hazard assessment of storm events for The Battery, New York” Ocean & Coastal Management, Elsevier, Volume 118, Part A, 22-31, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.11.006.
• In 2015: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2015.“Modeling of wave propagation from arbitrary depths to shallow waters - A review”. Chapter of the book “New Perspectives in Fluid Dynamics”, 44p., pp. 23-66 (peer-reviewed). Chaoqun Liu (Ed), InTech - Open Access Publisher. ISBN 978-953-51-2228-9.
• In 2015: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2015. “Relevance of nonlinear effects and dispersive waves in coastal processes” in (book) VIII Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Zones of Portuguese Speaking Countries - Abstracts, p. 4, Carlos Coelho, Bárbara Marinho, Márcia Lima & Antunes do Carmo (Eds) and paper_066 in (ebook) VIII Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Zones of Portuguese Speaking Countries. ISBN: 978-989-8509-12-3 (in Portuguese).
• In 2016: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2016. “Physical processes and computational models in Coastal Engineering” (book), 452p. (peer-reviewed), UC Press, ISBN 978-989-26-1152-5, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14195/978-989-26-1153-2 (in Portuguese).
• In 2016: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2016. “Nonlinear and dispersive wave effects in coastal processes” Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Volume 16, Issue 3, 343-355, doi: 10.5894/rgci660.
• In 2016: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2016. “Integrated coastal management and adaptation needs” International Conference on Coastal Zones, May 16-18, Osaka, Japan. Abstract in Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research (open access), Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 29. ISSN 2332-2632, doi: 10.4172/2332-2632.C1.002.
• In 2017: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2017. “Natural responses to changes in morphodynamic processes caused by human action in watercourses: A contribution to support management” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Elsevier, Volume 24, 109-118, doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.05.014.
• In 2017: Antunes do Carmo, 2017. “Coastal processes, climate change and adaptation needs” 2nd International Conference on Coastal Zones, July 17-18, Melbourne, Australia. Abstract in Journal of Coastal Zone Management (open access), Volume 20, Issue 2 (Suppl), p. 16. ISSN: 2473-3350, doi: 10.4172/2473-3350-C1-002.
• In 2017: Antunes do Carmo, 2017. “Past behaviors and future coastal defense options” 2nd International Conference on Coastal Zones, July 17-18, Melbourne, Australia. Abstract in Journal of Coastal Zone Management (open access), Volume 20, Issue 2 (Suppl), p. 24. ISSN: 2473-3350, doi: 10.4172/2473-3350-C1-001.
• In 2018: Antunes do Carmo J.S., Ferreira, J.A., Pinto L., Romanazzi.G., 2018. “An Improved Serre Model: Efficient Simulation and Comparative Evaluation” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, Volume 56, 404-423, doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.12.005.
• In 2018: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. “Climate change, adaptation measures and integrated coastal zone management: The new protection paradigm for the Portuguese coastal zone” Journal of Coastal Research, CERF, Vol. 34, Issue 3, 687-703, doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00165.1.
• In 2018: Gomes M.P., Santos L., Pinho J.L., Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. “Hazard assessment of storm events for the Portuguese northern coast” Geosciences, MDPI, Vol. 8, Issue 5, 14p., doi: 10.3390/geosciences8050178.
• In 2018: Santos L.I.V., Gomes M., Vieira L., Pinho J.L.S., Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. “Storm surge assessment methodology based on numerical modelling” (peer-reviewed). 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Palermo, Italy.
• In 2018: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. “Emerging technologies to manage climate change in coastal areas” (peer-reviewed). 3rd International Conference on Coastal Zones and Oceanography, May 18-19, Singapore. Abstract in Journal of Coastal Zone Management (open access), Volume 21, p. 53. ISSN: 2473-3350, doi: 10.4172/2473-3350-C1-006.
• In 2018: Santos L, Pinho J.L, Antunes do Carmo J.S., Granja H., 2018. “Tools and methodologies for dealing with coastal retreat due to SLR” (peer-reviewed). IX Symposium on the Atlantic Margin, Coimbra, 4-7 September. Extended abstract in the Book of Proceedings, 139-140. ISBN 978-989-98914-3-2.
• In 2018: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. Preface of the book “Natural Hazards - Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Reduction”, 3 pages. Published in London, UK, by IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-78984-821-2.
• In 2018: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2018. “Adaptation options and use of science in collaborative management of the coastal zone” (peer-reviewed). Chapter 1 of the book "Hydrometeorological Hazards" (Eds. Luciano Lourenço & Adélia Nunes), RISCOS, FLUC. ISBN: 978-98954295-7-8.
• In 2019: Antunes do Carmo J.S., Ferreira J.A., Pinto L., 2019. “On the accurate simulation of nearshore and dam-break problems involving dispersive breaking waves” Wave Motion, Elsevier, Volume 85, 125-143, doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2018.11.008.
• In 2019: Diogo A.M., Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2019. “Peak flows and stormwater networks design - Current and future management of urban surface watersheds” Water, MDPI, Volume 11, Issue 4, 759, doi: 10.3390/w11040759.
• In 2019: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2019. “Coastal Adaptation: Past behaviors, contemporary management, and future coastal options” (peer-reviewed). Chapter 1 of the book "Coastal and Marine Environments: Physical Processes and Numerical Modelling" (Ed: J.S. Antunes do Carmo), IntechOpen, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-78984-360-6, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.88123.
• In 2019: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2019. “The changing paradigm of coastal management: The Portuguese case” Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, Volume 695, 133807, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133807.
• In 2019: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2019. “Risks inherent to the construction industry”. Chapter 2 of the book “Anthropic Catastrophes: An Integral Approach” (peer-reviewed), UC Press, pp. 103-178, doi: https://doi.org/10.14195/978-989-26-1867-8.
• In 2020: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2020. Preface of the book “Coastal and Marine Environments: Physical Processes and Numerical Modelling” (Ed: J.S. Antunes do Carmo), IntechOpen, London, UK, 3 pages. ISBN 978-1-78984-360-6, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.88123.
• In 2020: Vieira B.F.V., Pinho J.L.S., Barros J.A.O., Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2020. “Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics performance assessment of three coastal protection structures” (peer-reviewed). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, SI “REEFS”, Volume 8, Issue 175, 23 p., doi: 10.3390/jmse8030175.
• In 2020: Gomes A., Pinho J.L.S., Valente T., Antunes do Carmo J.S., Hegde A.V., 2020. “Performance assessment of a semi-circular breakwater through CFD modelling” (peer-reviewed). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, SI “REEFS”, Volume 8, Issue 226, 17p., doi: 10.3390/jmse8030226.
• In 2020: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2020. “Numerical modelling and its physical modelling support in civil engineering” (peer-reviewed). Research, Society and Development, Volume 9, Issue 10, e5019108409, 28p., doi: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8409.
• In 2021: Gomes A., Pinho J., Valente T. and Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2021. "CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamic Actions on a Perforated Semicircular Breakwater" (peer-reviewed). Proceedings of the "15th Water Congress", March 22-26, LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal (in Portuguese).
• In 2021: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2021. “The Hintze Ribeiro Bridge Collapse and the Lessons Learned" (peer-reviewed). Chapter 1 of the book "River Basin Management: Sustainability Issues and Planning Strategies" (Ed: J.S. Antunes do Carmo), IntechOpen, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-83968-131-8, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.96711.
• In 2021: Freire D.F.A. and Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2021. “The floods of the Mondego River and the solutions that are slow to implement" (peer-reviewed). In the book "Geografia, Riscos e Proteção Civil", RISCOS, Volume 1, pp 73-95. ISBN 78-989-9053-03-8 (in Portuguese).
• In 2021: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2021. "Remarks on the boundary conditions for a Serre-type model extended to intermediate-waters" (peer-reviewed). Modelling journal, MDPI, Volume 2, Issue 4, 626-640, doi: 10.3390/modelling2040033.
• In 2021: Sanches C., Fortes C.J.M.E., Lemos R., Santos J.A. and Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2021. "Evaluation of the run-up and overtopping in slope breakwaters. The Ericeira's Port case" (peer-reviewed). Proceedings of the "12º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental", September 29 - October 01 (in press).
• In 2021: Antunes do Carmo J.S., Fortes C.J.E.M., 2021. “Ocean and Coastal Modelling". Special Issue of the Modelling Journal, Guest Editors. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/modelling/special_issues/ocean_modelling.
• In 2022: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2022. “The Hintze Ribeiro Bridge Collapse and the Lessons Learned” (peer-reviewed), 19 pages, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.96711. Chapter 1 of the book “River Basin Management: Sustainability issues and planning strategies”, pp. 03-21. J.S. Antunes Do Carmo (Editor), InTech - Open Access Publisher, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-83968-131-8
• In 2022: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2022. “Coastal defenses and engineering works” (peer-reviewed), 15 pages, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-98536-7_7. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life Below Water, pp.129-143. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71064-8_7-1. ISBN 978-3-319-98535-0.
In 2022: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2022. “Designing the future remembering past events: The Mondego 2001 River floods and the Hintze Ribeiro bridge collapse in the River Douro” (peer-reviewed), 21 pages, doi: 10.34037/978-989-9053-12-0_10_7. In the book “Risco de Cheias e Risco de Inundações Fluviais. Aprender com o Passado” da Série Estudos Cindínicos, pp 145-165. ISBN 978-989-9053-11-3, doi: https://doi.org/10.34037/978-989-9053-12-0_10 (in Portuguese).
• In 2022: Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2022. “Dominant processes that amplify the swell towards the coast: the Nazaré Canyon and the giant waves” (peer-reviewed). Research, Society and Development, Volume 11, Issue 11, e578111133804.2022, 13 pages (doi: 10.33448/rsd-v11/11.330804).
• In 2023: Antunes do Carmo J.S., Pinho J.L., 2023. “Investigation, Simulation and Application in Hydrodynamics for Coastal and Ocean Engineering". Special Issue of the Water Journal, Guest Editors. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water/special_issues/Hydrodynamics_Coastal_Ocean_Engineering (in progress).
• In 2023: Menten G., Melo W., Pinho J.L., Iglésias I., Antunes do Carmo J.S., 2023. “Simulation of saltwater intrusion in the Minho River estuary under sea level rise scenarios.” Water, MDPI, Volume 15, Issue 13, 2313, (doi:10.3390/w15132313).
• In 2023: Antunes do Carmo J., 2023. “Living on the coast in harmony with natural processes." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI, Volume 11, 2113 (doi:10.3390/jmse11112113).
• In 2024: Vieira B., Pinho J., Barros J., Antunes do Carmo J., 2024. “Optimizing coastal protection: nature-based engineering for longitudinal drift reversal and erosion reduction.” Ocean and Coastal Management, ELSEVIER, Volume 256, 1 October 2024, 107288.
Coimbra, October 10, 2024