
Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Expositive methodology for presentation of the content considered in the syllabus; active methods to allow an autonomous study during the preparation of the final work or/and continuous monitoring of it. In companies, students will be challenged to present a solution to certain real problems and will also have the opportunity to "learn by doing" by fulfilling the tasks that were previously defined in the Internship Plan.

Learning Outcomes

The UC provides the application of acquired knowledge in solving companies' problems in a first involvement in a business environment.

This objective is achieved using teaching methods based on Problem-based learning. It also seeks to encourage the development of a

report based on best R&D practices:

LO1. Identifying and defining a research question or concrete situation and framing it theoretically

LO2. To know how to make a review of relevant literature

LO3. Collecting appropriate data in a systematic way

LO4. Use appropriate research methods and techniques to evaluate empirical evidence found.

LO5. Present results, discuss them and conclude, and make recommendations for improvement and mitigation of problems found.

LO6. Write and present the Internship report in a structured way.

LO7. Understand the organizational and work context, and develop interpersonal relationship skills.

Work Placement(s)



This curricular unit aims to help students in the preparation for the Curricular Internship that takes place full time in an Institution to be

selected, with an average duration of 700 hours, following a previously defined individual work program and in accordance with a specific

protocol between that institution, FEUC and the intern. This program can be adjusted to the particular conditions of the students as well as

the research area of the professor/supervisor and the area of activity of the host institution; there is, however, a minimum set of contents to

be discussed with students during their follow-up:

S1. Identifying and defining the research problem/ intervention;

S2. The active and creative search for methods and techniques of research/intervention;

S3. Presentation of results and conclusions ;

S4. Construction of Dissertation report according to writing standards and discussion;

S5. Professional and ethical conduct to be followed by trainees in companies (students).

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís Miguel Alçada Tomás de Almeida

Assessment Methods

The assessment of this Curricular Unit will be performed by a jury composed of three PhD Professors and in public examinations: 100.0%


Kumar, R. (2019). Research Methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners, London: Sage Publications. Turabian, K.L. (2020). A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations. (9th) Edition Chicago: University of Chicago.

Fisher, C. (2010). Researching and writing a dissertation: an essential guide for business students, 3rd Ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education.

Gray, D. E. (2013). Doing research in the real world, London: Sage.

American Psychological Association (2021). Publication Manual [Pub Manual] of the American Psychological (Psych) Association seven (7th) Edition. Washington, DC: APA.