Dissertation/Internship in Information Systems
Information Systems
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
BsC in Informatics Engineering or similar and courses of the 1st year of the Master in Informatics Engineering.
Teaching Methods
Development in a company or research laboratory under the supervision of the institution advisor and by an advisor from DEI for the internships in companies. The evaluation is based on the
proposal document and a presentation by the student, by a jury nominated by the Scientific Commission that includes the president, non-supervisor jury member, and the supervisors, according to the rules of this course. With The student will receive comments / recommendations that must be taken into consideration in the second semester.
Learning Outcomes
The main goals of this course are the following:
- Project techniques and development of software and information and communication systems
- Development of technological projects
- Experience of project development in enterprise environment
- Experience with basic and applied research
- Integration in the working world
- Writing of a document with the internship / thesis proposal including the following topics:
- Analysis of the state of the art
- Justified selection of tools and methodologies to be used
- Requirements analysis related with the topic to be developed
- High level specification of the system to be developed / work to be performed including specific objectives and scheduling for the second semester.
Work Placement(s)
All the contents in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) with emphasis on the conception and follow-up of projects in the ICT area.
Head Lecturer(s)
Pedro Manuel Henriques da Cunha Abreu
Assessment Methods
Project: 100.0%
Dependente de cada estágio / dissertação | Depend on the type and nature of the internship / thesis.