Master in Informatics Engineering

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.


Communications Services and Infrastructures

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Communication Systems Fundamentals 1 02000097 1st Semester Compulsory CSI 6.0
Entrepreneurship and Management 1 02038542 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Experimental Methods in Computer Science 1 02038569 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Human-Computer Interaction 1 02038558 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Mobile Communication Systems 1 02023506 1st Semester Compulsory CSI 6.0
Information Tecnology Security 1 02023441 2nd Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Management of Internet Infrastructures and Services 1 02023386 2nd Semester Compulsory CSI 6.0
Network Modeling and Performance 1 02000240 2nd Semester Compulsory CSI 6.0
Interactive Virtual Reality Environments 1 02042457 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Intelligence 1 02000124 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Process Management 1 02023424 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Collaborative and Social Computing 1 02042479 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Complex Systems 1 02023476 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Computer Vision 1 02000574 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Data Management Systems 1 02000300 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Evolutionary Computation 1 02000212 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Game Design 1 02033078 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Pattern Recognition 1 02023430 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Service Engineering 1 02023413 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Software Architecture 1 02023397 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Software Quality and Dependability 1 02023402 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Ubiquitous Systems 1 02000277 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 2nd semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, INFS up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation/Internship in Communications Services and Infrastructures 2 02023891 Annual Compulsory CSI 42.0
Project Management 2 02023459 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Artificial Intelligence 2 02000031 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Discrete Event Systems 2 02038575 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Emergent Internet Services 2 02023498 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Enterprise Architectures 2 02023342 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Heuristic Methods 2 02038722 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
High-Performance Services and Infrastructures 2 02023465 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Information Systems Management 2 02000378 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Knowledge-Based Systems 2 02038438 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Machine Learning 2 02023358 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Medical Informatics 2 02000042 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Mobile Computing 2 02028154 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Requirements Engineering 2 02023331 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Robotics 2 02000537 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Semantic and Natural Language Technologies 2 02045688 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Systems Integration 2 02000058 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Time Series Analysis and Prediction 2 02038632 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 1st semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, INFS up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.

Information Systems

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Enterprise Architectures 1 02023342 1st Semester Compulsory INFS 6.0
Entrepreneurship and Management 1 02038542 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Experimental Methods in Computer Science 1 02038569 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Human-Computer Interaction 1 02038558 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Information Systems Management 1 02000378 1st Semester Compulsory INFS 6.0
Business Process Management 1 02023424 2nd Semester Compulsory INFS 6.0
Information Tecnology Security 1 02023441 2nd Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Service Engineering 1 02023413 2nd Semester Compulsory INFS 6.0
Interactive Virtual Reality Environments 1 02042457 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Intelligence 1 02000124 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Collaborative and Social Computing 1 02042479 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Complex Systems 1 02023476 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Computer Vision 1 02000574 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Data Management Systems 1 02000300 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Evolutionary Computation 1 02000212 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Game Design 1 02033078 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Management of Internet Infrastructures and Services 1 02023386 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Network Modeling and Performance 1 02000240 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Pattern Recognition 1 02023430 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Software Architecture 1 02023397 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Software Quality and Dependability 1 02023402 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Ubiquitous Systems 1 02000277 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 2nd semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation/Internship in Information Systems 2 02023905 Annual Compulsory INFS 42.0
Project Management 2 02023459 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Artificial Intelligence 2 02000031 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Communication Systems Fundamentals 2 02000097 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Discrete Event Systems 2 02038575 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Emergent Internet Services 2 02023498 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Heuristic Methods 2 02038722 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
High-Performance Services and Infrastructures 2 02023465 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Knowledge-Based Systems 2 02038438 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Machine Learning 2 02023358 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Medical Informatics 2 02000042 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Mobile Communication Systems 2 02023506 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Mobile Computing 2 02028154 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Requirements Engineering 2 02023331 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Robotics 2 02000537 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Semantic and Natural Language Technologies 2 02045688 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Systems Integration 2 02000058 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Time Series Analysis and Prediction 2 02038632 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 1st semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.

Intelligent Systems

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Artificial Intelligence 1 02000031 1st Semester Compulsory IS 6.0
Entrepreneurship and Management 1 02038542 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Experimental Methods in Computer Science 1 02038569 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Human-Computer Interaction 1 02038558 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Machine Learning 1 02023358 1st Semester Compulsory IS 6.0
Evolutionary Computation 1 02000212 2nd Semester Compulsory IS 6.0
Information Tecnology Security 1 02023441 2nd Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Pattern Recognition 1 02023430 2nd Semester Compulsory IS 6.0
Interactive Virtual Reality Environments 1 02042457 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Intelligence 1 02000124 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Process Management 1 02023424 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Collaborative and Social Computing 1 02042479 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Complex Systems 1 02023476 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Computer Vision 1 02000574 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Data Management Systems 1 02000300 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Game Design 1 02033078 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Management of Internet Infrastructures and Services 1 02023386 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Network Modeling and Performance 1 02000240 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Service Engineering 1 02023413 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Software Architecture 1 02023397 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Software Quality and Dependability 1 02023402 2nd Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Ubiquitous Systems 1 02000277 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 2nd semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, INFS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation/Internship in Intelligent Systems 2 02023880 Annual Compulsory IS 42.0
Project Management 2 02023459 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Communication Systems Fundamentals 2 02000097 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Discrete Event Systems 2 02038575 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Emergent Internet Services 2 02023498 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Enterprise Architectures 2 02023342 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Heuristic Methods 2 02038722 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
High-Performance Services and Infrastructures 2 02023465 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Information Systems Management 2 02000378 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Knowledge-Based Systems 2 02038438 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Medical Informatics 2 02000042 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Mobile Communication Systems 2 02023506 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Mobile Computing 2 02028154 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Requirements Engineering 2 02023331 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Robotics 2 02000537 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Semantic and Natural Language Technologies 2 02045688 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Systems Integration 2 02000058 1st Semester Elective * SE 6.0
Time Series Analysis and Prediction 2 02038632 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 1st semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (SE up to 24 ECTS, INFS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.

Software Engineering

Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Entrepreneurship and Management 1 02038542 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Experimental Methods in Computer Science 1 02038569 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Human-Computer Interaction 1 02038558 1st Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Requirements Engineering 1 02023331 1st Semester Compulsory SE 6.0
Systems Integration 1 02000058 1st Semester Compulsory SE 6.0
Information Tecnology Security 1 02023441 2nd Semester Compulsory INF 6.0
Software Architecture 1 02023397 2nd Semester Compulsory SE 6.0
Software Quality and Dependability 1 02023402 2nd Semester Compulsory SE 6.0
Interactive Virtual Reality Environments 1 02042457 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Intelligence 1 02000124 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Business Process Management 1 02023424 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Collaborative and Social Computing 1 02042479 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Complex Systems 1 02023476 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Computer Vision 1 02000574 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Data Management Systems 1 02000300 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Evolutionary Computation 1 02000212 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Game Design 1 02033078 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Management of Internet Infrastructures and Services 1 02023386 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Network Modeling and Performance 1 02000240 2nd Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Pattern Recognition 1 02023430 2nd Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Service Engineering 1 02023413 2nd Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Ubiquitous Systems 1 02000277 2nd Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 2nd semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (INFS up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.
Course unit title Year Course unit code Duration Type Subject area ECTS credits
Dissertation/Internship in Software Engineering 2 02023874 Annual Compulsory SE 42.0
Project Management 2 02023459 1st Semester Compulsory EMSS 6.0
Artificial Intelligence 2 02000031 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Communication Systems Fundamentals 2 02000097 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Discrete Event Systems 2 02038575 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Emergent Internet Services 2 02023498 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Enterprise Architectures 2 02023342 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Heuristic Methods 2 02038722 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
High-Performance Services and Infrastructures 2 02023465 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Information Systems Management 2 02000378 1st Semester Elective * INFS 6.0
Knowledge-Based Systems 2 02038438 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Machine Learning 2 02023358 1st Semester Elective * IS 6.0
Medical Informatics 2 02000042 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Mobile Communication Systems 2 02023506 1st Semester Elective * CSI 6.0
Mobile Computing 2 02028154 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Robotics 2 02000537 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Semantic and Natural Language Technologies 2 02045688 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
Time Series Analysis and Prediction 2 02038632 1st Semester Elective * OP 6.0
  • The student should register, in the 1st semester, in curricular units in a total of 12 ECTS, among the curricular units offered for the Masters or among any curricular units taught in the UC, through the open list rule, bearing in mind the limit of optional ECTS per scientific area (INFS up to 24 ECTS, IS up to 24 ECTS, CSI up to 24 ECTS, OP up to 24 and Free Option up to 12 ECTS). The register in optional curricular units through the open list rule is subject to approval by the Masters Coordinator.

The optional course units are offered on a yearly basis, depending on the availability of the Organic Unit