Option Sport II - Combat Sports

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Practise in minimum one combat sport

Teaching Methods

Teaching sessions of collective nature where judo is approached as an example of specific adaptation of the general theory of the topics addressed. Situations of problem solving and sessions of personal and collective orientation of the adaptation and / or research carried out (autonomous study) in the modality of predilection. Practice and observation of the combat modality chosen. Critical report globalizing and valuing all the learning performed.

Learning Outcomes

Acquire coaching skills in the combat mode of predilection. Knowing: to identify the technical-tactical  structure of knowledge of the modality practiced and develop it  through a progression of structured teaching; plan the training of technical tactical capabilities together with functional ones. Acquiring notions of sports nutrition adapted to the practiced modality. Perfecting the techniques and tactics of the modality, and developing pedagogical qualities. Raising general knowledge about the modality.

Work Placement(s)



All the topics covered are presented through the example of Judo and are later adapted to the other combat modalities chosen. Structure of technical-tactical knowledge of the modality practiced and development of specific exercises for its training. Progression of teaching and technical tactical planning of the training, adapted to the motor development of the practitioner. Structured observation of training and competitions. Sports nutrition adapted to the modality. Practice (basic technique, competition technique, kata, ...) and observation of specific training sessions (weekly) and competitions. History, involvement, organization and regulation, arbitration. Critical report. Personal defense adapted to the modality.

Head Lecturer(s)

Alain Guy Marie Massart

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Report of a seminar or field trip: 60.0%


Franchini E. (2001). Judo Desempenho Competitivo.Manole.

Franchini E, Del Vecchio FB. (2008). Preparação fisica para atletas de Judô. São Paulo: Phorte Editora Ltda.

Augé, J., Lavie, F., Meuley, P. (2002). Judo une pédagogie du savoir combattre. Paris : EPS.

Weineck J. (1997). Manuel d’entraînement (4e Edition). Paris: Vigot.

F.F.J.D.A.(1989). Méthode Française d’enseignement du judo-jujutsu. FFJDA:Paris.

Massart A. (2001). Proposta de uma classificação técnico-táctica do judo de competição. ANTJ n° 7.p50-53.

Garcia Garcia JM. (1996). Fundamentos da táctica desportiva aplicada ao judo. ANTJ n° 1.p27-33.