Option Sport I – Skating/Roller Hokey

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Frequency of practical studies I - Skating.

Teaching Methods

The format of  Theoretical lesson  has a session with a presentation made by the teaching of subjects in literature or flagged in texts produced by the teacher;

Practical classes take place in Pav. III;

Students are invited to witness the sports club in the region.

Learning Outcomes

- Programs of the physical education – Skating and Roller hockey;

- Preparation of a didactic unit of skating sports;

- System for evaluating content of the didactic unit;

- Construction of the lesson plans of 45 and 90 minutos;

- Activity in the educational teaching skating and the club and school;

- Organization of activities in school and in the club;

- Field work in the area of educational intervention in school and club.


Personal skills: [a] Ability of analysis and synthesis; [b] Information handling skills (ability to collect, retrieve and analyze information from different sources); [c] Ability to solve problems. Interpersonal skills: [a] Ability to lead working groups; (b) Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams; (c) Ability to work in an international context; (d) Ability to act ethically in dilemmatic situations. Systemic skills: [a]

Ability of self-learning; [b] Ability to apply knowledge in practice; (c) Adaptability to new situations; (d) Concern with the quality

Work Placement(s)



- Identify the teaching methods of  skating; Understanding the educational advancement of the teaching of discipline; Develop and understand the extent and sequence content of didactic unit; Analyze the education programs specific physical modalities of skating; Principles methodological for the application of the sequence and extent of the contents of the didactic units; Building endpoints in the various fields, Understanding the requirements and implication process teaching and learning in school clubs; Organizing and planning classes and training appropriate to the profile of the student or athlete.

Head Lecturer(s)

Vasco Parreiral Simões Vaz

Assessment Methods

Research Work: 20.0%
File and final report (CD presentation): 40.0%
Technical Educational Intervention: 40.0%


Amândio Graça e José Oliveira ( 1994 ) – O Ensino dos Jogos Desportivos – C. E. J. D.- FCDEF – UP.

Bapista, P.(1988) Sebenta de Didáctica I e II. Publicações da FCDEF-UC;

Marques, A. (1990). Treino desportivo: Área de formação e investigação. Revista Horizonte. 39: 97-106 – 1990;

Mcneill, Carol, Martland, Jim; Palmer, Peter (1998) Teaching Orienteering. Ed. Harveys, Human Kinetics;

Programa de Educação Física (10º,11º,12º), homolgado em Fevereiro de 2002. Edição PORTO EDITORA;

Naughtion. G., Carlson, J. (1990). Intensity of Sport Participation - Pediatric Exercíse Science  2, 57-64;

Pilardeau, P., Jouyblin, M., & Valeri, L. (1980). Choix du sport et poids, Med. Du Sport, 54, (6),332-333; 335-337;

Vaz, V. (2005) Sebenta de Patinagem/Hoquei em Patins. FCDEF - Universidade de Coimbra;

Vaz V (2006). Revista de Patinagem. Publicações FCDEF-UC. Ano 1 Nº1;

Vaz V (2009). Sebenta de Patinagem/Hóquei em Patins. FCDEF-UC