Practical Studies III - Handball

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Elementary notions of rules, regulation and individual technical principles of the sport.

Teaching Methods

Learning tasks directed by the teacher. Guided discovery of appropriate methodologies of pedagogical interventions. Sessions lectures in plenary classroom model.

Learning Outcomes

Objectives: [1] Identify the basic knowledge associated with the pedagogical and didactic contents of the sport; [2] Acquire the capacity for applying the technical and tactical (individual and collective) contents; [3] Identify the basic set of contents of the game and designing teaching situations of overshoot and progression in training or school environment; [4] Reflect on teaching practices, drawing on the resources available to the personal and professional development; [5] Induce practical actions, based on sport specific interventions, including the interdisciplinarity of other recreational, formative and sportive areas.


Personal skills: [a] Ability of analysis and synthesis; [b] Information handling skills (ability to collect, retrieve and analyze information from different sources); [c] Ability to solve problems. Interpersonal skills: [a] Ability to lead working groups; [b] Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams; [c] Ability to act ethically in dilemmatic situations. Systemic skills: [a] Ability of self-learning; [b] Ability to apply knowledge in practice; [c] Adaptability to new situations; [d] Concern with the quality.

Work Placement(s)



[1] Rules and regulation.

[2] Terminology and Symbols.

[3] Basic technical elements (offensive and defensive individual technique): Defensive position (attitude); Offsets; Opponent's control; Dribble disarm; Ball interception; Offensive position; Grip and handling of the ball; Pass (shoulder, chopped and side); Reception (high and low); Dribble of progression; Dribble of protection; Shot.

[4] Goalkeepers individual technique and tactics.

[5] Offensive and defensive tactics.

[6] Initial approach to the game: adapted games; Mini-Handball (aims and adaptations, strategies and constraints).

[7] Introduction to stages of the game and the formal systems of game.

Head Lecturer(s)

Artur Manuel Romão Pereira

Assessment Methods

Planning and pedagogical intervention: 20.0%
Practical assessment: 30.0%
General impression parameter, attendance, referee skills and group task: 50.0%


- Bota, I., & Pereira, A. (2003). Modelo e Preparação no Andebol. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

- Carvalho, M. J. (2000). O Mini-Andebol e o seu contributo para a melhoria das competências sociais da criança. Andebol Top, 4, 25-34.

- Molina, S. F. (2002). O Ensino do drible nas etapas de iniciação. Andebol Top, 14, 35-39.

- Ribeiro, M. (2003). Regulamentos técnico-pedagógicos. Andebol Top, 14, 34-37.

- Ribeiro, M., & Volossovitch, A. (2004). Andebol 1. O Ensino do Andebol dos 7 aos 10 anos. Lisboa: Edições Faculdade de Motricidade Humana/Federação de Andebol de Portugal.

- Ribeiro, M., & Volossovitch, A. (2008). Andebol 2. O Ensino do Jogo dos 11 aos 14 anos. Lisboa: Edições Faculdade de Motricidade Humana.

- Rosado, A., & Colaço, C. (2002). Avaliação das aprendizagens: fundamentos e aplicações no domínio das actividades físicas. Lisboa: Omniserviços.

- Santos, F. (1992). Jogos de Iniciação ao Andebol. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Oeiras - Divisão de Cultura, Desporto e Turismo - Serviços Municipais de Desporto.

- Volossovitch, A. (2005). Análise da performance em andebol: perspectivas e tendências. Revista Técnica de Andebol, 1, 16-20.

- Volossovitch, A. (s/d). Propedêutica das Actividades Desportivas – Andebol. Lisboa: FMH Edições.