
Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Activity Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

No basic knowledge is required for this course.

Teaching Methods

a) Theoretical Classes eminently positive;  

b) Theoretical-practice where is permitted the students' interaction with the educational starting from the suitable readings previously; 

c) I Study independent; 

e) Attendance.

Learning Outcomes

i. Promote the ownership of specific content of socio-cultural anthropology;

ii. Allowing the reflection of sporting events in the light of the specific contents of anthropology socio-cultural;

iii. Promote awareness of the transformations of sporting events in the light of its causes and consequences of membership in which they arise;

iv. Develop the capacity of analysis and interpretation of the different elements that are characteristic physical and sports activities;

v. Reveal the relationship between the sports universe and that the facts are;

vi. Provide theoretical elements of nature that enable the development of studies and research in field of anthropology, socio-cultural phenomenon with regard to physical-sports.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction to the anthropological foundations

Basics of Cultural Anthropology

The culture factors

The structuring of culture

Fundamental postulates of culture

Fundamental postulates of culture

The methods gymnastics, play and sport as anthropological objects

The methods gymnastics, play and sport as an anthropological subject

Understanding the meaning of the Game

The prospects of modern sport

Understanding the meaning and functions of sport

The concept of Sport

The current ratings and types of sport.

Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Coelho Araújo

Assessment Methods

A theoretical-practical work: 30.0%
Written two frequencies: 70.0%


Benedict, R. Padrões de Cultura. Colecção Vida e Cultura. Ed. Livros do Brasil. Lisboa, s/d.

Bernardi, Bernardo. Introdução aos estudos etno-antropológicos. Lisboa, Edições 70. Colecção Perspectivas do Homem. Lisboa, 1978.

Caillois, R. Os jogos e os homens: A mascara e a vertigem. Edições Cotovia Lda. Lisboa,1990.

Cashmore, E. Making sense of sport. Routledge. London/New York, 1990.

Ellias, N. e Dunning, E. A busca da Excitação. Difel. Lisboa, 1992.

Esteves, José. O Desporto e as Estruturas Sociais. Porto Editora. Lisboa, 1975.

Gillet, B. História Breve do Desporto. Verbo Editora. Lisboa, 1961.

Gruppe, Ommo. Sport and Culture-the culture of Sport. In. International Journal of Physical Education, Verlag Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf, Volume XXXI, Issue 2, 2nd

Hargreaves, J. Sport, Power and Culture. Polity Press. Cambridge/Oxford, 1986.

Herskovits, M.F. Antropologia Cultural. Editora Mestre Jou. São Paulo, 1975.

Huizinga, J. Homo Ludens. Editora Perspectiva S.A. São Paulo, 1980.