History of Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

- Theoretical classes using the lecture method and the Socratic dialogue.

- Practical classes consisting of group work and resolution of worksheets.

- Individual reading and guided discussion of texts whose reading is mandatory.

- Students may accomplish the curricular unit by means of continuous assessment or final exam.

Learning Outcomes

- Know the main contemporary pedagogy trends.

- Characterise the pedagogical ideas in order to identify the moments, the stages and the main spaces of the contemporary pedagogical speeches’ construction.

- Identify the moments and main stages of the contemporary pedagogical speeches’ construction as well as the most important authors.

- Fit the educational and pedagogical transformations into space and time criteria.

- Fit Physical Education trends into a historical reflexion on the contemporary speeches’ construction at national and international level.

- Know and use basic techniques for collecting and analysing information from historical and bibliographic sources.

- Understand the values and attitudes underlying physical activities in different historical periods.

- Characterize the evolution and the basic fundamentals of the different Physical Education trends that are developed by the gymnastics precursors.

- Know the development of Physical Education in Portugal.

Work Placement(s)



Theme 1 – The advent of educational intention and the construction of the school model:

1. From educational ‘impregnation’ to educational intention.

2. The construction of the school model within the historical combination of various factors: children’s invention and the establishment of disciplinary society.

3. The construction of the school model: the role of protestant ethics and the consolidation of customs civilization.

Theme 2 – The modern and contemporary pedagogical trends:

1. The basic assumptions of the pedagogical trends.

2. The ‘disciplinary’ trends.

3. From the New Education Movement to the Non-Directive Pedagogies of the Post-War Period.

4. The nationalist trends and the neo-directivism of pedagogy by objectives.

Theme 3 – Physical Education and sports in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

1. The military trends.

2. The hygiene trends.

3. Pedagogical trends.

4. Sport trends.

Theme 4 – The body and the contemporary thinking.

1. The anthropological notion of “Techniques of the Body”.

2. Self-care and health.

3. Narcissism and passion for the risk.

Head Lecturer(s)

Rui Adelino Machado Gomes

Assessment Methods

Resolution of 4 worksheets in group during practical classes: 50.0%
Two written tests: 50.0%

Exam: 100.0%


Ariès, P. (1960). L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime. Paris: Plon.

Beillerot, J. (1982). La société pédagogique: action pédagogique et contrôle social. Paris: PUF.
Carvalho, R. (1986). História do ensino em Portugal desde a fundação da nacionalidade até o fim do regime de Salazar-Caetano. Lisboa: FCG.

Elias, N. (1989). O Processo Civilizacional (1º vol.). Lisboa: Publ. D. Quixote.

Fernandes, R. (1979). A pedagogia portuguesa contemporânea. Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura Portuguesa.  

Foucault, M. (1993). Vigiar e punir. Petrópolis: Vozes.

Gomes, R. (1991). Poder e Saber sobre o Corpo. A Educação Física no Estado Novo (1936-1945). Boletim da SPEF, 2-3, 109-136.

Gomes, R. (2003). A Cultura de Consumo do Corpo Contemporâneo e a Queda da Educação Física Escolar. Reflexões Pouco Óbvias. In O Desporto para Além do Óbvio. Lisboa: IDP, pp. 87-99.

Gomes, R. (2008). Habeas Corpus. In David Rodrigues (Org.) Os Valores e as Atividades Corporais. São Paulo: Summus Editorial, pp. 147-178.

Nóvoa, A. (Dir.) (2004). Dicionário de educadores portugueses. Porto: Asa.

Rocha, F. (1988). Correntes pedagógicas contemporâneas. Aveiro: Estante.

Ulmann, J. (1993). Corps et civilisation: Éducation Physique, Medicine, Sport. Paris: Vrin.

Ulmann, J. (1997). De la gymnastique aux sports modernes. Paris: Vrin.

Weber, M. (2001). A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.