Master in Engineering Physics

General Objectives of the Course

The MSc in Engineering Physics is designed with the aim of providing the students with a strong background in areas of Engineering Physics (technologies associated with Modern Physics), developing the ability to apply scientific and engineering principles in solving multidisciplinary problems in traditional areas of Engineering Physics, motivating their learning ability throughout their career and giving them the professional training necessary for entering the labor market. This training strategy is close to the models suggested by several international associations (for example, FEANI - European Federation of National Engineering, SEFI - Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs, and CESAER - Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research), as well as the Portuguese Order of Engineers.

Admission Requirements

First cycle in Engineering Physics or related area, or to hold a learning, scientific or professional curriculum that the Program Coordination recognizes as sufficient to attest the ability to complete this cycle of studies.

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals

There are career opportunities in the fields of medical and industrial instrumentation, management and control, maintenance, software development, teaching and researching in Higher Education institutions and in investigation laboratories. Many physics engineers are currently working in big international and national groups (TAP, Soporcel, Ford, VV, Revigrés, Roca, SSGP, EDP, Edinfor, Sonae, Cofina, ABB, Siemens, Opel, Kuka). Many others are employed in small and medium sized enterprises (especially in the field of instrumentation and software development), and in some cases as entrepreneurs. There are also some working at CERN.

Mode of Study

Daytime / Full-time / Face-to-face

Teaching / Evaluation language(s)

Portuguese/ English

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The evaluation and classification rules are those of the Pedagogical Regulation of the University of Coimbra, Regulation 321/2013, of August 23.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

The goal of the Master in Engineering Physics (MEF) is to train qualified engineering professionals, able to follow and intervene at the level of scientific and technological innovation in the fields of instrumentation, applied sensors, materials, modern optics, including in the context of scientific research. At the end, students should have:
- A solid training in Engineering Physics.
- Skills that enable them to pursue continuous and autonomous learning, ensuring their update throughout the active life, in the fields of instrumentation, applied sensors, materials and modern optics, and in the simulation and modeling of processes and systems.
- The capacity to intervene at the level of innovation in the Engineering Physics domains, solving problems in new situations, in broad and multidisciplinary contexts.
- The capacity to work autonomously, assuming responsibilities in planning and management of projects and structures in Engineering.

Course Coordinator(s)

António Adriano Castanhola Batista

ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)

Rui Davide Martins Travasso

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Decree-Law No. 74/2006, of March 24, in the current wording

Graduation Requirements

Obtaining the 78 compulsory ECTS and 42 optional ECTS, including the presentation and defence of a Master's Project.

Access to Further Studies

The Master in Engineering Physics gives access to 3rd Cycle (PhD Programs) in Engineering Physics and related areas.

Study Programme

Engenharia Física

Academic year

Course Type
2nd Cycle Studies - Continuity Master Programme

DGES Code: 9422

Qualification Awarded: Mestre

Duration: 2 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 120.0

Category: Continuity second cycle


Call for Applications


1st Semester
Start date: 08-09-2025
End date: 13-12-2025
2nd Semester
Start date: 02-02-2026
End date: 21-05-2026


Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
2020-07-31 a 2026-07-31
Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior

Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 70/2021

