Bachelor in Marine Biology
General Objectives of the Course
Based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030, in the context of the United Nations, the aim of this cycle of studies is to promote training in Marine Biology, in a wide range of structuring scientific areas linked to Marine Biology (Physiology, Biodiversity and Taxonomy, Ecology, Environment, Sustainability of Marine Resources, Conservation and Valorization of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services, etc.). The objectives of this cycle of studies are also to provide a solid scientific, theoretical and laboratory training, which will enable the student to start a professional activity in areas as diverse as Research, Industry (Agri-food, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology) and the Dissemination of Scientific Information, both nationally and internationally. – Promote broadband initial training in Marine Biology that allows students to pursue advanced training in various areas of specialization within the European Education area.Admission Requirements
National Call for Access and Entry to Higher Education (DGES):
Two of the following subjects:
02 Biology and Geology
07 Physics and Chemistry
16 Mathematics
Application score: 100 points (0-200 scale)
Entry exams: 95 points (0-200 scale)
Calculation Formula:
Secondary school average: 50%
Entry exams: 50%
Other forms of access (UC-applicants):
- Change of Institution / Course Pair Schemes;
- Special Access Call for over 23-years-olds;
- Special Access Call for Holders of Other Higher Education Courses;
- Special Call for International Students.
This information does not exempt the consultation of the webpage of the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGES) and/or of the Applicants website. Please, visit the DGES and the Applicants websites
Professional Goals
Technicians in Marine Biology, Resources, Sustainability and Global Change; Environmental managers and environmental and social responsibility of private companies; Senior technicians in municipalities and state agencies (ICNF, APA, DGAV, NGOs); Senior technicians in agro-environmental companies (e.g. animal production); Technicians responsible for supporting business innovation.Mode of Study
DaytimeTeaching / Evaluation language(s)
Portuguese and/or EnglishExamination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Assessment is a pedagogical activity that is inseparable from teaching, aimed at improving the skills and knowledge acquired by students, their proactivity and critical and synthesis spirit, their ability to state and solve problems, as well as their mastery of communication. written and oral. Students enrolled in the respective curricular units in the academic year to which the tests relate and, simultaneously, enrolled in these tests are admitted to assessment tests, when such registration is necessary, in accordance with the regulations of the University of Coimbra. Assessment elements are understood to be the following examples: written or oral exam, frequencies, problem solving, practical work (laboratory or computational) or written, as well as individual or group projects, which may have to be defended orally. The assessment of each curricular unit may include one or more of the indicated assessment elements, with students having to be aware of the weighting of each component in the final assessment, under the terms of the regulations of the University of Coimbra. The classification of each student, for each curricular unit, translates into an integer value between 0 and 20 values and students who obtain a minimum final classification of 10 values are considered approved.Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
In compliance with the Dublin descriptors, the degree in Marine Biology provides students with a set of transversal skills (instrumental, personal and systemic), as well as several specific skills related to the area of Marine Biology such as specialized skills for solving problems in research and/or innovation, for developing new knowledge and procedures and integrating knowledge from different areas, originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a work or research context , demonstrate a considerable level of authority, innovation, autonomy, scientific or professional integrity and make a firm commitment with regard to the development of new ideas or new processes at the forefront of study or work contexts, including in matters of research, or also the ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas.Course Coordinator(s)
Miguel Ângelo do Carmo Pardal
ECTS Departmental Coordinator(s)
António Xavier de Barros e Cunha Pereira Coutinho
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is carried out in accordance with the Academic Regulation of the University of Coimbra, RAUC, Regulation n.º 805-A/2020, DR, 2nd series, of September 24 ( academic documents/regulations/regulations), under the terms set out in Decree-Law No. 74/2006, of March 24, in its current wording.Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Legal framework for higher education degrees and diplomas defined by Decree-Law No. 74/2006, of March 24, in its current wordingGraduation Requirements
The Degree in Marine Biology has a total duration of six semesters corresponding to 180 ECTS, of which 6 in the area of Mathematics, 6 in the area of Physics, 6 in the area of Chemistry, 6 in the area of Oceanography and 12 in interdisciplinary areas. This Degree will include a Project in Marine Biology also with 6 ECTS that can be developed within the UC facilities, in Research Centers or in other accredited institutions, such as Universities, companies or organizations related to the area of the Degree.
Access to Further Studies
2nd cycle of studies.Study Programme
Course Type
1st Cycle Studies
DGES Code: 9013
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor's Degree
Duration: 3 Year(s)
ECTS Credits: 180.0
Call for Applications
- Course/institution transfer
- Holders of Other Higher Education Degrees
- Over 23-year-olds
- Special Contest for International Students (Bachelor's Degree and Integrated Master's Degree Courses)
- Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior
- 2024-07-31 a 2030-07-30
- Direcção Geral de Ensino Superior
Nº Registo: R/A-Cr 87/2024
- 2024-06-26