Systemic Models and Dynamic Models

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods


Theoretical / practical teaching using expository and active methodologies.

Module I

Module II

The active methodologies include the study of clinical cases, book reviews and critical analysis of scientific articles on the dynamic model (namely dynamic psychotherapies).

The assessment is periodic and includes two Type A tests (scoring 50% each).

Learning Outcomes

Module I - Systemic Models:

Acquire the basic knowledge of the theoretical and epistemological body foundational and structuring of the systemic paradigm and constructivist perspective

Acquire knowledge about the types and modalities of intervention from a systemic perspective

Develop basic skills to assess and intervene systemically either individually or in the family and surrounding contexts (eg. school, community)


Module II - Dynamic Models

Acquire the basic knowledge related to the main dynamic psychoanalytic models, namely the Freud, Klein, Winnicott and Bowlby models considering their conceptual differences and implications in the psychological understanding of the Human being and the psychodynamic therapy;

Develop the basic skills related to dynamic clinical work, taking as reference the therapeutic position and the correlative aspects of interpretation, transference / countertransference, resistance and defenses.

Work Placement(s)



I Systemic models

1. "See different to think differently" - Conceptual bases of the systemic paradigm and constructivism

1.1. Theory of Systems, Cybernetics and Pragmatics of Human Communication. Implications for intervention

1.2. The individual and family life cycle

1.3. Constructivism and narrative

1.4. Psychopathology from a systemic perspective

2. "Think differently to listen and intervene differently" - bases of systemic and family intervention

2.1. Types, modalities and contexts

2.2. Systemic tools for evaluation and intervention


II Dynamic Models

1. Basic concepts of psychoanalysis and dynamic psychotherapies (Freud and M. Klein)

2. Dynamic psychopathology: anguish, conflict and symptom; organization and structure; neurosis and psychosis

3. Introduction to dynamic psychotherapies: "technical" concepts

4. Different dynamic psychotherapeutic techniques (psychoanalysis, insight-oriented psychotherapies, group psychotherapies, institutional psychotherapies)

Head Lecturer(s)

Joaquim Eduardo Nunes Sá

Assessment Methods

Frequency: 100.0%


Alain Vanier (1998/2010). Une introduction à la psychanalyse (2ª Ed.). Paris: Armand Coland.

Campos Pellanda, N.M. & Cabral Pellanda, L.E. (1996). Psicanálise Hoje: uma revolução do olhar. Petrópolis: Vozes

Mitchell, S.A.& Black, M.J. (1995). Freud and beyond: a history of modern psychoanalytic thought. NY: BasicBooks

Paixão, R. (2002). Manual de Psicopatologia Infantil e Juvenil. Vol. I, Coimbra: FPCE-UC

Relvas, A. P. (2000). Psicopatologia do desenvolvimento e contexto familiar. In I. Soares (coord.), Psicopatologia do desenvolvimento. Coimbra: Quarteto.

Relvas, A.P. (2006). O Ciclo vital da família. Perspectiva sistémica. Porto: Afrontamento(4ª ed).

Relvas, A. P. (2003). Por Detrás Do Espelho. Da teoria à terapia com a família. Coimbra: Quarteto.

Relvas,A.P.; Alarcão, M.; Pereira, M.G. (2013), Family and Systems Therapy and Training in Portugal, Contemporary Family Therapy. 35, 2, 296 – 307

Tridon, A. (2006). Psychoanalysis: Its History, Theory and Practice. London: Kessinger Pub.