Training Course in Informed vocal practises in educational contexts

Entidade parceira: Universidade Aberta

General Objectives of the Course

This continuing education course aims at learning techniques for optimizing voice use and to preventing voice abuse in educational contexts. The target population is naturaly constituted by preschool, primary and secundaty teachers as well as university lecturers.

Admission Requirements

1. To have more than 18 years old. 2. To have the technical tools for attending an online course, such as a computer and access to the internet. 3. To have a licenciate in the area of education (in any knowledge domain).

Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Mode of Study


Teaching / Evaluation language(s)


Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The evaluation will include three written essays (e-Fólios), submitted at the end of each thematic unit, applying the working tools provided. The final classification will be calculated as the mean of classifications obtained in these 3 e-Fólios. According to the norm n.º3/2007 of CCPFC, the final marks can be: Insuficient – 1 a 4.9 values; Regular – 5 a 6.4 values; Good – 6.5 a 7.9 values; Very Good – 8 a 8.9 values; Excelent – 9 a 10 values.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills

At the end of this course, participants are expected to be able to: 1. recognise and apply positive breathing habits, know warm-up and cool-down vocal exercises, apply strategies to improve voice resonance and phonation types; 2. be aware of vocal abilities and limitations; 3. identify anatomical and physiological elements involved in phonation; 4. recognise main voice problems that affect teachers, their causes and first associated symptoms; 5. apply strategies to prevent vocal problems; 6. use otmizing strategies of voice use; 7. acquire a daily routine of vocal exercises aiming at otimizing voice use.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Regulation n.º 339/2012, published in Official Gazette no. 152, 2. Grade, August 7th (Regulation of Creation and Operation of non-degree courses at the UC)

Study Programme

Práticas Vocais Informadas em Contextos Educativos

Academic year

Course Type
Non Degree Course

Qualification Awarded: Diploma/Certificate

Duration: 52 HORAS

ECTS Credits: 2.0


Call for Applications
