Computer Graphics
Computer Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Linear Algebra and programming languages (C or C++)
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes: Detailed presentation, using audiovisual means, of the concepts, principles and fundamental theories and solving of basic practical exercises to illustrate the practical interest of the subject and exemplify its application to real cases.
Theoretical-practical classes: Where the students, supervised by the staff member, solve practical exercises, which require the combination of different theoretical concepts and promote critical reasoning in the presence of more complex problems.
In these classes are also defined and explained the resolution of concrete problems of compu
Learning Outcomes
The main goal is to provide the students with the main concepts and foundations of computer graphics, including its fundamental theoretical aspects as well as graphical tools and their application. Among all the topics covered by computer graphics, the course will address with particular relevance the image syntheses process.
The course will contribute to the acquisition of the following competences:
-Analysis and synthesis of complex problems;-
Mathematical Reasoning;
-Abstraction and generalization;
-Problem solving, namely in the area of computer graphics.
-Team work;
-Critical reasoning.
Work Placement(s)
1. Basic concepts in computer graphics
- API standards, OpenGL, etc..
2. Modeling, rendering pipeline
3. Geometric transformations
- Two-dimensional and three-dimensional transformations.
- Visualization and Projections
4. Color and Lighting models
- Color models, shading, textures
- Models of local reflection.
- Transparency.
5. Visibility and Clipping
6. Global models: ray-tracing.
7. Advanced topics
- Particle systems
- Curves and surfaces (Bezier)
- Shaders
Head Lecturer(s)
André Venturoti Perrotta
Assessment Methods
Project: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 25.0%
Exam: 50.0%
James D. Foley - Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
James D. Foley - Introduction to Computer Graphics
D. Hearn, M. Baker - Computer Graphics, C Version
Angel, E, Computer Graphics, A top-down Approch with OpenGL