Technical Communication
Economics, Management and Social Sciences
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Portuguese knowledge at C1 level; English knowledge at B1 level (reading comprehension).
Teaching Methods
Presentations and discussion; practical writing, proofreading and editing activities; individual and collective oral presentations; body language awareness exercises.
Learning Outcomes
Successful students will have, on completion of the unit:
• acquired the necessary skills to communicate in professional contexts
• mastered parameters in a variety of formal oral and written genres in Portuguese and in English (e.g. project presentations, technical reports, handbooks, instruction manuals, messages, minutes, etc.).
Work Placement(s)
Contents will be presented in theoretical courses and put into practice in small working teams.
1. Types of communication: Verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal
- professional / technical context
- addressee / audience
- oral/ written - formal / informal distinctions
- issues of professional ethics and protocol.
2. Textual building, editing and revision techniques
- text planning
- cohesion, coherence and anaphoric recovery
- use of specialized and technical vocabulary
- textual sequences: narrative, descriptive, expository, argumentative and instructional
- sentence structures for data contraction
- discursive markers
- revision and editing techniques.
3. Written and oral textual genres
- abstract
- user instructions/ reference manual; tutorial
- technical report (expository/ argumentative)
- article (dissemination, technical, scientific)
- presentation of project/ proposal
- formal letter (presentation/ motivation/ complaint).
Head Lecturer(s)
Alexandra Maria Fernandes Baltazar
Assessment Methods
Mini Tests: 20.0%
Exam: 35.0%
Oral: 20%; Writhe: 25% NB: Execution of 35% minimum in all tasks and 9,5/20 mark on all assessment parameters: 45.0%
Adler, R.B. & Rodman, G. (2006) Understanding Human Communication. New York/ Oxford. Oxford Univ. Press
Amaral, I. (2002) Imagem e sucesso. Guia de protocolo para empresas. Editorial Verbo
Beer, D. & McMurrey, D. (2005) A Guide to Writing as an Engineer. John Wiley & Sons
Cargill, M. & P. O’Connor (2013) Writing Scientific Research Articles – Strategy and Steps. John Wiley & Sons
Duarte, N. (2008) Slide:ology. The art and science of creating great presentations. O'Reilly Media
Finkelstein Jr.,L. (2008) Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists. McGraw-Hill
Koegel, T. J. (2007) The exceptional presenter: a proven formula to open up! and own the room. Greenleaf Book Group Press
Madeira, A.C. & Abreu, M. (2004) Comunicar em Ciência – como redigir e apresentar trabalhos científicos. Escolar Editora
Sylin-Roberts, H. (2000) Writing for Science and Engineering – papers, presentations and reports. Butterworth-Heineman
Weston, A.(1996) A arte de argumentar. Gradiva