Computer Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Curricular units: Information Theory; Data Analysis and Transformation, Object-Oriented Programming; Required base knowledge and competences: data compression (entropic, dictionary-based), time-frequency transforms (Fourier, DCT), system theory, object-oriented programming.
Teaching Methods
Teaching methodologies:
- Seminar lectures with theoretical exposure of materials and practice of concepts about the whole program
- Theoretical-practical classes focused on theoretical-practical problem solving
- Laboratory classes to supprt the development of practical assignements
Adopted resources:
- Slides to support seminar lectures and knowledge synthesis
- Miscellaneous bibliography (books and articles on the covered topics)
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the curricular unit, students should demonstrate they have acquired, have understood and know how to apply the knowledge and skills in: i) multimedia fundamentals; ii) and multimedia information retrieval (MMIR). Namely:
- Fundamentals of digital image, audio and video, focusing on the involved physiological and perceptual aspects and in the representation and compression of the mentioned multimedia data types;
- Feature extraction from audio, image and video signals; application in MMIR problems.
It is also intended that the student acquires/develops the following 5 core competencies (according to the Dublin descriptors):
- Analysis and synthesis, problem solving, critical thinking, independent learning and practical application of theoretical knowledge;
and the following 5 secondary competencies:
- Teamwork, creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, concern for quality and planning and acting skills.
Work Placement(s)
1) Multimedia Fundamentals:
- Digital image:
- notions of color, human vision (physiology and perception) and color models and spaces
- digital image representation (bitmaps and vector graphics)
- digital image codecs (lossy and lossless) and perceptual compression of digital image
- Digital Audio
- notions of sound and human audition (physiology and perception)
- representation of digital audio (sampled audio and MIDI)
- digital audio codecs (lossy and lossless) and perceptual compression of digital audio
- Digital Video
- notions of video and perceptual phenomena in moving images
- digital video representation
- digital video codecs (lossy and lossless)
2) MMIR:
- Feature extraction methods for the different signal types (temporal, spectral, spatial, e.g., MFCC, color histograms)
- MMIR methods: i) content-based (similarity metrics, classification), ii) fingerprinting.
Head Lecturer(s)
Rui Pedro Pinto de Carvalho e Paiva
Assessment Methods
Continuous evaluation in the practical classes: 10.0%
Project: 30.0%
Exam: 60.0%
- Peter Symes (2003). "Digital Video Compression“, McGraw-Hill
- Stefan Rüger (2010), "Multimedia Information Retrieval", Morgan & Claypool
- Roberto Raieli (2013), "Multimedia Information Retrieval", Elsevier