Computer Technology
Computer Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
No prerequesites.
Teaching Methods
Taught by face-to-face lectures and continuous evaluation. Lessons are as follows:
1.A lesson of 2h for the exposition and discussion of theory:
a.1h of preparation through readings of respective bibliographic material
b.2 to 3h of study after the lesson, for the consolidation of knowledge.
2.A lesson of 1h to theoretical-practical experimentation of concepts, problem solving and doubts.
3.A lesson of 2h for the realization of laboratorial assignments.
a.1 weekly assignment.
b.2h of preparation through readings of respective material made available.
Learning Outcomes
The main objectives are to give a general perspective of the diverse areas of the informatics. The practical component of the course is focused on concepts of digital electronics used in the design of computers.
The main competencies are the analysis and criticism, problem solving and critical reasoning to apply to the practices of the acquired knowledge. Detailing:
1. Ability to use basis for numbers representation.
2. Ability to make calculations for transmission and storage of data.
3. Capacity to mount, unmount and replace components on a computer.
4. Understanding and synthesis of small combinatorial and sequential circuits.
5. Using a standard language for hardware description (VHDL).
6. Knowing the intern organization of a computer.
7. Knowing the internal functioning of a computer, its basic components and their supporting concepts.
8. Accompanying of the innovation at the level of computers technology, in the context of a strong technological era.
Work Placement(s)
1. Von Neumann model
2. Functioning of a microprocessor
3. Memory hierarchy
4. Organization of a computer and its peripherals.
5. Numbering system
6. Units and measures of data storage and transmission.
7. Representation and storage of text, sound and image
8. Basic techniques for data compression, error detection and correction
9. Combinatorial digital circuits
10. Sequential digital circuits (flip-flops, excitation and transition tables, state diagrams, equation synthesis and design of simple circuits)
11. Programming logic and hardware description languages (VHDL)
12. Operating systems: architectures, coordination, scheduling and security
13. Basics of programming languages
14. Software engineering: introduction to concepts and tools
15. Data structures: basic concepts, data abstractions.
16. Computer nets: basic concepts
17. Computation theory and applications
Head Lecturer(s)
Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes
Assessment Methods
Frequency: 25.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 25.0%
Exam: 50.0%
• Computer Science, An Overview. 10th Edition, J. Glenn Brookshear ISBN-10: 0-321-54428-5, Pearson/Addison Wesley International Edition.
• Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems - A Tutorial Approach. J O. Hamblen, M Furman. ISBN 0-7923-7439-8, Kluwer Academic Pub..