Health Literacy and Digital Communication

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit will have an essentially practical orientation, so that students can explore and know how to apply communication tools that promote greater health literacy. From this perspective, simulation strategies, analysis of projects and audiovisual records, as well as access to practice contexts (in conjunction with Internship I and II) and the construction of HL promotion resources constitute strategies for teaching-learning to explore. In parallel, the teacher will explore the major debates and concepts associated with the evolution of LS promotion strategies in current context.

Learning Outcomes

Health literacy (HL) is a fundamental resource for improving the health status of individuals and populations, as well as an opportunity to transform the health ecosystem. The individual health trajectory is deeply linked to the social determinants of health and LS represents an opportunity to limit the social, cultural and economic barriers that condition access to health institutions and the adoption of healthy behaviors and lifestyles. Under these assumptions, the aim of the optional Health Literacy and Digital Communication course is to develop communication and information skills and strategies for implementing actions to improve citizens' health literacy; learn about interactive and digital solutions that promote health literacy and discuss existing strategies for developing health literacy in Portugal aimed at populations with socially vulnerable situations.

Work Placement(s)



M1 – HL in Portugal and Europe

1. Evolution of the HL concept and the integration of information about the ecosystem of healthcare institutions

2. Theoretical models of LS and their impact on the transformation of people, organizations and society

3. Importance of communicating well to raise HL levels

M2 – Mental Health Literacy (LSM): deconstructing stereotypes and combating stigma

1. Evolution of the LSM concept and multidimensional determinants

2. Strategies for promoting mental health, self-care and mechanisms for seeking professional help

3. Repercussions of stigma on the creation of formal social responses to support individuals and families

M3 – Contributions of technology to access to healthcare

1. Limits and potential of access to information to navigate the portuguese healthcare system

M4 – HL for better results in groups with social vulnerabilities

1. LS to support the experience of aging and old age

2. LS for migrant populations

3. LS for people with low income economics.

Head Lecturer(s)

Joana Carla Marques Vale Mendes Guerra

Assessment Methods

Frequency: 40.0%
Project: 60.0%


Almeida, Cristina; Fragoeiro, Isabel (coord.)(2023). Manual de Literacia em Saúde. Princípiose Práticas. Pactor.

Loureiro, Isabel; Mranda, Natércia (2021) Promover a Saúde. Dos fundamentos à ação. Almedina

Georde, Francisco (coord.)(2023). Saúde Publica em Portugal. Do século XIX ao novo millennium até ao futuro. Almedina.

Chronaki C, Stegwee R, Moen A. (2017). In Search of a Digital Health Compass to Navigate the Health System. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 245:30-34. PMID: 29295046

Garcia-Cuyàs F, de San Pedro M, Martínez Roldan J. (2015). La salud digital como motor de cambio hacia nuevos modelos asistenciales y de relación entre los pacientes y los profesionales de la salud. La disrupción de los procesos asistenciales [Digital health as a motor for change towards new healthcare models and the relationship between patients and healthcare professionals. Disruption of healthcare processes]. Med Clin (Barc). Nov;145 Suppl 1:38-42. doi: 10.1016/S0025-7753(1)30037-3