Master's Thesis Research Monitoring and Follow-up Seminar in Social Education, Development and Local Dynamics

Academic year
Subject Area
Educational Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Curricular Units of the 1st year of the course, specifically that of Scientific Research Methodologies and Project Seminar.

Teaching Methods

Several methodologies are used, the most important of which are tutorials and the presentation and discussion by the students of the various parts inherent to the research process and to those that make up the writing of the master's thesis.This individual presentation, translated in a written project, constitutes the evaluation process of the curricular unit (100%).

Learning Outcomes

 The main learning outcome of this course is to provide training and accompany students in the development of appropriate skills for the preparation and implementation of their specific research project and preparation of their master's thesis, which must be original, ethically correct and feasible.

At the end of this course, students will be able to

- conceptually support a research project, knowing how to research and critically analyze scientific quantitative and qualitative research;

- adequately use methodological designs and research techniques, both quantitative and qualitative;

- apply procedures and ethical principles associated with scientific research;

- communicate rigorously and clearly the results of research with the scientific community and society in general;

- identify the SDGs to which their research contributes most directly.

Work Placement(s)



Given the nature of this curricular unit, its contents are intrinsically associated with the activities to develop within the framework of the dissertations of each student in the specific thematic areas of the master's degree:

- General rules and procedures for carrying out an investigation;

- Models for the preparation of the dissertation research project;

- The investigation process: plans, steps and techniques

- Ethical procedures in scientific research

- Scientific writing and communication of results: standards and regulationsd

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Filomena Ribeiro Fonseca Gaspar

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 30.0%
Project: 70.0%


- ALLEA (2018). Código europeu de conduta para a integridade da investigação: Edição revista.

- Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS (2nd ed). London: SAGE.

- SPCE (2014). Instrumento de regulação ético-deontológica: Carta ética.

- Tuckman, B. W. (2012). Manual de investigação em educação: Metodologia para conceber e realizar o processo de investigação científica. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

- Vieira, C. C. (2019). Investigação, conhecimento científico e responsabilidade social: reflexões a partir das Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Exedra, 28-37.    

- Vieira, C. C. (2022) (Coord). Temas, contextos e desafios da investigação qualitativa em educação. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.