Institutional Evaluation and Organizational Dynamics

Academic year
Subject Area
Educational Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Critical and analytical skills; research skills; communication skill

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit includes sessions composed by theory/practice, in order to discuss is the program contents and illustrate them through examples reflecting different institutional realities. It is intended to provide a broad and shared reflection, based on contributions from all participants.

In the last three sessions of the curricular unit are presented and discussed the work prepared by students under the syllabus of the unit.

Learning Outcomes

- Understanding institutional evaluation as a strategic process in institutions.

- To understand the importance of the strategic process in the management of organizations in the medium and long term.

- To identify the problematic underlying the application of concepts, principles and models, based on case studies.

Work Placement(s)



1 Institutional evaluation: objectives, characteristics, main modalities

2 Importance of institutional evaluation for the strategic plan and organizational dynamics

3 Quality indicators and their impact on institutional evaluation

4 External evaluation, self-evaluation, development and organizational learning: Processess and dynamics

5 Interface of school evaluation with other systems of evaluation: communication dynamics

Assessment Methods

Assessment method
Research work: 100.0%


Barreira, C., Bidarra, M. G., & Vaz Rebelo, M. P. (2016). Estudos sobre avaliação externa de escolas. Porto: Porto Editora.

Bolivar, A. (2003). Como melhorar as escolas: Estratégias e dinâmicas de melhoria das práticas educativas. Porto: Porto Editora

Bolivar, A. (2012). Melhorar os processos e os resultados educativos: O que nos ensina a investigação. Vila Nova de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.

Burnes, B. (2004).Managing change: A strategic approach to organizational dynamics. Prentice Hall.

Hoppe, Robert A. (2013). The governance of problems: Puzzling, powering, participation. Reprint. Bristol: Policy Press.

Brauckmann, S. &  Pashiardis, P. (2010). The clash of evaluations: In search of the missing link between school accountability and shool improvement. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(4), 330-350.

Pacheco, J.A., Morgado, J.C., & Sousa, J. R., (2020). Avaliação institucional e inspeção: Perspetivas teórico-concetuais. Porto: Porto Editora.