Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Observation

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Face-to-face sessions include both theoretical and practical work, to wit:

- Presentation and exploration of documents (texts, images and video);

- Demonstration of procedures, and presentation of methods, techniques and instruments;

- Accomplishment of individual tasks and/or in small groups.

Autonomous student work throughout the semester:

- Step-by-step development of a pedagogical observation process.

Learning Outcomes

The exploration of content is guided by four general objectives:

1. Know and understand key aspects of educational observation;

2. Analyse pedagogical observation processes;

3. Properly implement pedagogical observation processes;

4. Use information collected in pedagogical observation processes to outline actions.

Work Placement(s)




1. Fundamentals of scientific observation

1.1 Is it possible to observe?

1.2 Invention and evolution of scientific observation

1.3. How to observe in science?

2. Pedagogical observation as scientific observation

2.1 Continuities and particularity of the pedagogical observation

2.2 Frameworks of the pedagogical observation

2.3 Beliefs and common mistakes in the observation of teaching

3. Structuring of pedagogical observation processes

3.1 Conceptualisation of processes of pedagogical observation

3.2 Planning observation processes

3.3 Development of pedagogical observation processes

3.4 Use of available information

3.5. Evaluation of observation processes

4. Organisation and/or analysis of educational observation processes

4.1. Observation of educators, trainers and teachers

4.2. Observation of students/trainees

4.3. Observation of educational resources

4.4. Observation of pedagogical circumstances


Assessment Methods

Report of a seminar or field trip: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Exam: 50.0%


- Altet, M., & Britten, J. D. (1983). Micro-enseignement et formation des enseignants. PUF.

- Anguerra, M.T. (1983). Manual de prácticas de observación. Trillas.

- De Ketele, J. M. (1984). Observar para educar. Aprendizaje -Visor.

- Bronowski, J. (1973). The ascent of man. Litle, Brow and Company.

- Damião, M. H. (2016). Observação pedagógica. Caderno. UC.

- Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Handbook of qualitative research. Sage.

- Estrela, A. (1994). Teoria e prática da observação de classes. Porto editora.

- Fróis, C. (Org.) (2009). A sociedade vigilante: Ensaios sobre identificação, vigilância e privacidade. ICS.

- Hammersley, M. (Ed.). (2007). Educational research and evidence-based practice. The Open University Press/Sage.

- Peña Acuña, B. (2011). Métodos científicos de observación en Educación. Vison Libros.

- Postic, M. (1979). Observação e formação de professores. Almedina.