Human Aging and Educational Intervention

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The teaching and learning methodologies used are diverse, using a combination of transmissive teaching, bibliographic syntheses, Socratic questioning, viewing of films/web resources, demonstrations, testimonies of invited people, readings and critical analysis of scientific articles based on studies empirical studies and discussions of real cases, in small groups in the classroom.

Learning Outcomes

To understand human aging from a systemic and multidetermined perspective, which involves internal and external factors to the person.

- To understand the phenomenon of aging based on an interdependent view of the various stages of the life cycle.

- To know the psychological and sociological theories of aging, distinguishing between normal and pathological processes.

- To discuss the paradigm of active and healthy aging, its determinants and the recommendations for the intervention.

- To analyze multiple issues of aging, with an emphasis on age and sexism, from an intersectional perspective.

- To learn to plan educational interventions for the elderly population in contexts of their autonomy or their dependence on social responses, recognizing and valuing their heterogeneity as a age group.

- To understand the role of the Educational Sciences professional in promoting the quality of life of the elderly.

Work Placement(s)



1. Human aging: demographic indicators and social challenges.

2. Educational gerontology in the context of permanent education and the course of life.

3. Development and aging of biological, cognitive, emotional and social systems.

4. Psychological theories of aging: normal processes and pathological processes.

5. Active and healthy aging: challenges of a new paradigm.

6. Psychosocial issues of aging: age, sexism and other forms of discrimination.

7. Discontinuity vs. continuity of roles throughout life: the transition to retirement.

8. Caring and receiving care: families, informal networks and social responses for the elderly population.

9. The heterogeneity of the elderly population and challenges for educational intervention.

10. Stimulation, learning and quality of life in elderly people.

11. Successful educational intervention programs for the elderly.

12. Citizenship participation of the elderly and forms of social inclusion.     

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
For the presentation in class of intervention programs with the respective written work : 30.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Arnett, J. J. (2012). Human development: A cultural approach. Pearson Education

European Union (2019). Ageing Europe. Looking at the lives of older people in EU–2019 edition. Publications Office of the European Union

IMSERSO (2011). Envejecimiento activo: Libro blanco. Ministerio de Sanidade, Politica Social e Igualdad

Johnson, M., & Bengtson, V., Coleman, P., & Kirkwood, T. (2005).The Cambridge handbook of age and ageing. Cambridge University Press

Oliveira, A. L., Vieira, C. M., Lima, M. P., Alcoforado, L., Ferreira, S. M., & Ferreira, J. A. (2013). Promoting conscious and active learning and ageing: How to face current and future challenges? IUC.

Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, O. (2012). Manual de gerontologia: Aspetos biocomportamentais, psicológicos e sociais do envelhecimento. Lidel, Edições técnicas.

Simões, A. (2006). A nova velhice: Um novo público a educar. Ambar.