Administration and Management of Educational Organizations

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The presentation of theoretical contents will be used in association with the active participation of students, through discussions, document analysis (articles, legislation) and group work.

Learning Outcomes

The UC aims to promote analysis and critical reflection on the organizational and administrative dimensions of education, with a focus on educational organizations.

By approaching different perspectives of organizational theory, it is intended to provide students with essential knowledge in the field of management of educational, school, and non-school organizations. From a perspective of theoretical foundation and normative framework, it seeks to enable students to critically analyze the evolution of school administration and management in Portugal.

Skills to develop:

-Recognize the importance of the organizational and administrative dimensions of education

- Understand the concepts of organization, educational organization, and school as an organization

-Know and apply basic concepts and theoretical perspectives to the study of educational organizations and management practices

-Analyze critically and reflexively the evolution of school administration and management in Portugal.

Work Placement(s)



1.Educational administration and management of educational organizations: teaching and research

2.Educational organizations and the school as a complex social organization

- Some organizational dimensions of the school (objectives, structures, actors, relationships, processes, technologies, environment, power, and leadership)

- The need for a normative, interpretive, and descriptive focus in the study of school organization

3. Different types of theoretical models of analysis and management of educational organizations.

4. Evolution of educational administration and school management in Portugal

- Centralization, decentralization, deconcentration and autonomy: clarification of concepts

- Organization, administration and management of schools: theoretical, political and normative contexts

-  Models and practices of School management.

Assessment Methods

Other: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%


Barroso, J. (2011). Direcção de escolas e regulação das políticas: Em busca do unicórnio. In A. Neto-Mendes, J. A. Costa, A. Ventura (org.), A emergência do director da escola: Questões políticas e organizacionais (pp. 11-22). Universidade de Aveiro

Bush, T. (2011). Theories of educational leadership and management. Sage.

Costa J. (1996). Imagens organizacionais da escola. Ed. ASA.

Formosinho, J., Fernandes, A. S., Machado, J., & Ferreira, H. C. (Eds.). (2010). A autonomia da escola pública em Portugal. Fundação Manuel Leão.

Lima, L.C. (2014). A Gestão Democrática das Escolas: Do Autogoverno à ascensão de uma Pós-Democracia Gestionária? Revista Educação & Sociedade, 35(129), 1067-1083.

Lima, L. C., & Sá, V., (2017). O governo das escolas: Democracia, controlo e performatividade. Edições Húmus.    

Lima, L. C., Sá, V., & Torres, L. (2020). Diretores escolares em ação. FML.