Practical phytonematology

Academic year
Subject Area
Agricultural Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The syllabus will be taught in theoretical and practical (TP; onsite and online), practical and laboratorial (PL), field work (TC) and tutorial (OT) classes. The various topics will be developed based on theoretical background, case studies and problems will be discussed and solved. In classes, namely in PL, individual and group tasks will be carried out, and will take place in the laboratory, to contact with the ongoing research.
Two study visits will be promoted: to an agricultural and forestry field and to an industrial wood treatment unit, as well as invited speakers from the nematology field. The evaluation will be based on a written work (50%), which results from the resolution of a practical situation, and on an oral presentation (50%).

Learning Outcomes

Raise awareness of the importance/impact of PPN on ecosystems; to understand the complex life of the main PPN; to learn several techniques for nematode sampling and extraction from soil and plant material samples; to identify PPN from soil samples and apply biochemical and molecular techniques commonly used in the identification; to analyse the main PPN control strategies; to know the main methods to extract phytochemical compounds with nematicidal activity; to analyze practical situations of PPN detection in agro-forestry systems; to know N/E legislation to quarantine PPN.
Skills: To understand the importance/impact of PPN on ecosystems and the contributions of its study in achieving the SDGs; to recognize the need for early detection of PPN and their proper identification to implement efficient strategies of control; to define the several steps for the assessment and consequent control of PPN to reduce the plant damage to a level economically acceptable and prevent their dispersion.

Work Placement(s)



- Basic biology of nematodes, in particular plant parasitic nematodes (PPN; Meloidogyne spp., Globodera spp., Pratylenchus spp., and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus);
- Biodiversity of nematodes as biological indicators of ecosystem quality
- Impact of PPN in agro-forestry systems;
- Sampling techniques, PPN extraction from soil and plant material samples;
- Direct examination of plant material: handling, fixing and staining PPN;
- Identification of PPN: morphological, biochemical and molecular (know and apply the most common techniques)
- PPN control strategies: cultural, biological and chemical methods, plant resistance and genetic engineering;
- Extraction methods of phytochemical compounds with nematicidal activity;
- Quarantine PPN: National/European legislation.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carla Maria Nobre Maleita

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation : 50.0%
Written work: 50.0%


Castillo,P.;Vovlas, N. Pratylenchus (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae): Diagnosis, Biology, Pathogenicity and Management (Nematology Monographs and Perspectives). Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2007
- Coyne, D.L.;Nicol, J.M.; Claudius-Cole, B.Nematologia prática: Um guia de campo e de laboratório. SP-IPM Secretariat, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA),Cotonou, Benin,2007
- Perry, R.N.;Moens, M. Plant Nematology.CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK,2006
- Perry, R.N.;Moens, M.; Starr, J.L. Root-knot nematodes. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK,2009
- Sikora, R.;Desaeger, J.;Molendijk, L.P.G. Integrated Nematode Management. CABI Publishing., Wallingford, UK,2021
- Sousa, E.; Vale, F.; Abrantes, I. Pine Wilt Disease in Europe-Biological Interactions and Integrated Management FNAPF edition,Lisboa,Portugal,2015
- Sousa, E.;Vale, F.;Abrantes, I.;Rodrigues, J.M.;Fonseca, L. Doença da murchidão do Pinheiro-Guia de Campo e Laboratório. FNAPF edition, Lisboa, Portugal, 2015.