Performance Studies
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
The curricular unit adopts a theoretical-practical methodology which involves the reading and critical discussion of theoretical texts and the analysis of live performances, images and videos. The use of documentation will account for the processes of creation and reception as well as for the social, political and technological dimensions of performativity.
Learning Outcomes
. Identify the main areas and methodological procedures of performance studies;
. Understand performative events as a constitutive part of a culture;
. Be able to describe and analyze performances from different historical periods;
. Understand the different forms and languages of performance (artistic/social contexts; staged/improvisational; scripted/unscripted);
. Develop autonomous research activities within the scope of performance studies.
Work Placement(s)
The curricular unit presents an introduction to performance studies, including concepts, theories and methodologies. The following programmatic lines will be studied:
. From theater studies to performance studies
. Concepts: performance, theater, drama
. Presence and representation
. Play and ritual
. Intercultural performance
. Text, score and creative processes
. The analysis of performance: expanded art and meaning production.
Head Lecturer(s)
Susana Chiocca de Almeida Duarte
Assessment Methods
Report of a seminar or field trip: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Research work: 60.0%
BIAL, H. e Brady, S. 2015. The Performance Studies Reader, 3.ª ed. NY: Routledge.
COELHO, R. P. 2017. Teatro Português Contemporâneo. Experimentalismo, Política, Utopia. Lisboa: TNDMII.
FISCHER-LICHTE, E. 2019. Estética do Performativo. Lisboa, Orfeu Negro.
GOFFMAN, E. 1993. A Apresentação do Eu na Vida de Todos os Dias. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água.
LEHMANN, H.-T. 2017. Teatro Pós-Dramático. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
OLIVEIRA, F. M. 2018. Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas, Coimbra: IUC.
PAIS, A. 2017. Performance na Esfera Pública: Ensaios & Páginas de Artistas. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
SCHECHNER, R. 2020. Performance Studies: An Introduction, 4.ª ed. Nova Iorque: Routledge.
SHEPHERD, S. e WALLIS, M. 2004. Drama/Theatre/Performance. Londres: Routledge.
TURNER, V. 1997. «Liminality and Communitas». In The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti-Structure, 94-130. Nova Iorque: Aldine de Gruyter.