The Study of Sources

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Sound music training. Good levels of both the Portuguese and English (mainly reading) languages.

Teaching Methods

Classes are organized to encourage the students’ active involvement in learning, fostering student teacher interaction. Combination of theoretical presentation by the teacher with numerous practical exercises on both primary and secondary Music sources.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the semester, students should be acquainted with the main tools and methodologies within sources study, both the music and the documentary sources. Considered their own research subject, students should also be able of producing a rather consequent both primary and secondary sources bibliography as well as to be able to produce a detailed description of a music primary source.

Work Placement(s)



The sources study in Music is understood as fundamental step for a broad and solid comprehension of our musical heritage. Thus, the students should: be introduced to the different types of music sources and the issues that each one of them entangle; be introduced to the Portuguese Music historiography and its main players; be introduced to the main methodologies and tools for Music sources study; be introduced to the codicological study of a primary source; learn how to produce a detailed description of a Music primary source.

Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Eugénio Estudante Dias Moreira

Assessment Methods

Weekly tasks : 100.0%


BOORMAN, S., “Sources, MS §I. Introduction”, The New Grove, 2001, p. 791-817

SAMPSEL, L. J., Music Research.A handbook, Oxford Unversity Press, 2009

SCOTT, A., CRABTREE, P., Sourcebook for research on music, Indiana University Press, 2015

BRITO, M.C., “A musicologia portuguesa hoje: situação e perspectivas”, Nassarre,IX, 1993, p. 97-104

CORBIN, S., “L'état des sources”, Essai sur la musique religieuse portugaise au moyen âge, Paris, 1952, p. 155-194

FEDER, G., Music Philology, Monographs in Musicology 14, Pendragon Press, 2011

KASTNER, M.S., “Veinte años de musicologia en Portugal”, Acta Musicologica, 1960, p. 1-11

NERY, R.V., Para a História do Barroco Musical Português, Lisboa, 1980

NERY, R.V., A Música no Ciclo da “Bibliotheca Lusitana”, Lisboa, 1984

iversity Press, 2009

VASCONCELOS, J., Os Musicos portuguezes. Biographia - Bibliographia, 2 vols, Porto, 1870

VIEIRA, E., Diccionario Biographico de Musicos Portuguezes, facsímile da edição de 1900, 2 vols, Arquimedes Livros, s.d.