Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis

Academic year
Subject Area
Quantitative Methods
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Statistics of 1st cycle of eng courses and management - Students from other backgrounds may need zero-month preparation.

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit privileges the autonomy of the student in the development of his/her learning trajectory. Thus, Learn-by-example-anddoing will be privileged. Challenges to be solved by students will be launched in a collaborative environment amongst them and teachers. In each challenge the stages of the process of developing an empirical study will be debated. This teaching methodology based on selflearning will be complemented with more traditional classes necessary for the acquisition of initial knowledge essential to the pursuit and realization of the proposed challenges.

Learning Outcomes

Present and raise awareness that the development of empirical work involves: 1) identifying research questions to be addressed, (2) using existing data sources or collecting own data, (3) maintaining, managing and preparing databases digitally, (4) identifying the statistical and/or comprehensive method/model, whether as exploratory, explanatory or evaluative, as the most appropriate to answer the initial questions; 5) obtaining estimates and making statistical and/or comprehensive inferences; 6) interpreting results and drawing conclusions. At the end of the UC, the student must demonstrate autonomy in conducting empirical studies, of a more qualitative or quantitative nature, and master illustrative software that allows them to analyse robust data.

Work Placement(s)



1.Making good research questions: a roadmap of essential aspects;

2. Implementation of qualitative data analysis procedures (databases, observation, interview and questionnaire);

3.The essentials of data management for statistical and/or comprehensive analysis,

3.1 Introduction to statistical software for data analysis (STATA),

4.The problem of the triplet: Research question, nature of the data and statistical model/method;

4.1. Synthetic presentation of some quantitative and qualitative models. The challenges of the Mix-Method

5.How to synthesize a critical analysis of the results and conclusions.

Head Lecturer(s)

Óscar Manuel Domingos Lourenço

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Hair, Joseph F., Anderson, Rolph E., Black, William C.. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (Ed. 7th). Harlow: Pearson.

Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Introductory Econometrics : a Modern Approach. Mason, Ohio :South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012.

Long, J. Scott, and Jeremy Freese. Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata. Stata press, 2006.

BRYMAN, Alan; BELL, Emma — Business research methods. 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.

HILL, Manuela Magalhães ; HILL, Andrew – Investigação por questionário. 2ª ed. rev. e corr., 2ª reimp. Lisboa : Edições Sílabo, 2005.

HUSSEY, Jill ; HUSSEY, Roger — Business research : a practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Basingstoke : Macmillan Press, 1997.

Oliveira, T. C. (2014) O que é uma boa investigação qualitativa?, in Gomes, Jorge; Cesário, Francisco (coord.) Investigação em Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Um guia de boas práticas, 1ª Ed., Vol. 1, Lisboa, Escolar Editora, 100-150.