Microalgae Biodiversity and Biotechnology

Academic year
Subject Area
Natural Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The contents will be taught mainly in practical and laboratory classes (PL), practical theoretical classes (TP; online or in person), and occasional fieldwork (TC).
Assessment is based on a written work (50%) to be delivered by students, which results from the development of individual practical work throughout the course, and an oral presentation (50%).

Learning Outcomes

Objectives: To emphasize the importance of microalgae as a raw material for future development and their use for development of new technological projects; to reveal the biodiversity of these organisms through polyphasic approaches; to raise awareness of the importance of microbiological resources using the Algoteca de Coimbra as a case-study; to provide essential tools for the study of these organisms on a lab and pilot scale and their potential industrial application; to allow the acquisition of skills in the analysis of algal extracts, namely value-added compounds.
Skills to be developed: To recognize the amazing diversity of microalgae; to understand its prime importance for the production of valuable compounds; to be conscious of the global ecological importance of these organisms; to understand the contribution of microalgae to achieving the SDGs, namely the promotion of prosperity and general well-being, and improvement of human and animal nutrition.

Work Placement(s)



- Biodiversity and generic importance of microalgae;
- Potential of microbiological collections for the development of new technological projects - Algoteca de Coimbra as a “case-study”;
- Importance of correct identification of organisms in biotechnology – use of polyphasic approach;
- Microalgae cultivation methodologies, with emphasis on species of biotechnological value - from lab to pilot scale;
- Methodologies for collecting, concentrating and processing biomass;
- Methodologies for the production of algal extracts;
- Methodologies for analysis of algal extracts – identification/quantification of lipid classes, fatty acids, pigments, proteins and other value-added compounds;
- Interpretation of results and discussion of possible applications.

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation: 50.0%
Assessment is based on a written work: 50.0%


- Galanakis, C. M. (Ed.). (2020). Microalgae: Cultivation, Recovery of Compounds and Applications. Academic Press.
- Lee, R. E. (2018). Phycology. Cambridge university press.
- Fleurence, J. (2021). Microalgae: From Future Food to Cellular Factory. John Wiley & Sons.
- Jacob-Lopes, E., Maroneze, M. M., Queiroz, M. I., & Zepka, L. Q. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook of microalgae-based processes and products: fundamentals and advances in energy, food, feed, fertilizer, and bioactive compounds. Academic Press.