BootCamp Saber+@MAREFOZ

Academic year
Subject Area
Life Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The course takes place in a face-to-face setting, with a total of 30 hours of work distributed over 5 days, including: i) theoretical sessions for the presentation of basic theoretical concepts; ii) practical sessions for carrying out fieldwork, laboratory procedures and data analysis; iii) a final evaluation session with the presentation of a paper developed during the course.

Learning Outcomes

Provide contact with field work and experimental protocols in environmental quality assessment studies. At the end of the course the trainees should be able to: select and apply scientific research methods to assess impacts on ecosystems; prepare and carry out field sampling campaigns; process the samples collected using appropriate laboratory procedures; analyze and interpret the data obtained.

Work Placement(s)



1. introduction to coastal and marine ecosystems - a) main characteristics; b) ecological and socioeconomic importance; c) pressures and impacts; d) mitigation and adaptation strategies of biological communities.
2. Methodologies for scientific research in coastal and marine ecosystems: a) Planning of monitoring campaigns; b) Preparation and implementation of sampling campaigns - i) rocky substrates; ii) mobile substrates; b) Sample processing (water, sediment, biological material); c) Separation and identification of biological samples; d) Planning and carrying out experimental tests.
3. Treatment and analysis of results.
4. Communication strategies.

Head Lecturer(s)

Helena Leite Veríssimo de Carvalho

Assessment Methods

A final evaluation session with the presentation of a paper developed during the course: 100.0%


APA. 2016. Caminho para uma Estratégia Nacional de Educação Ambiental 2020.
ENM. Estratégia Nacional para o Mar 2013-2020. Governo de Portugal.
Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts of Ocean Sciences for Learners of All Ages
Version 2, a brochure resulting from the 2-week On-Line Workshop on Ocean Literacy through Science Standards;
published by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Published June 2005, revised March 2013
Tran, L.U., Payne, D.L., Whitley, L. 2010. Research on learning and teaching ocean and aquatic sciences. National
Marine Educators Association Special Report #3.