Forests and Climate Change

Academic year
Subject Area
Life Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The student will have to actively participate in field sampling, sample processing, equipment handling and understanding of the data acquired in the various practical modules. The student will have to present a synthesis work with the data acquired throughout the course, in addition to being assessed by a final exam on the knowledge acquired in the theoretical and practical modules. At the end of the course it is intended that the student has increased their perception of the response of forests to climate change, with scientific rigor and critical attitude.

Learning Outcomes

The main objective of the course is to understand the ecophysiological and morphological responses of trees to climate change. During the course, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the responses of trees to climate, in the short and long term. Regarding short-term ecophysiological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the measurement of photosynthesis parameters, water potential, sap flow and dendrometers. Regarding short-term morphological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the development of growth rings (xylogenesis). Regarding long-term morphological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about dendrochronology. At the end of the course, the student should have the ability to integrate the acquired knowledge and contextualize it in terms of forest responses to climate change.

Work Placement(s)



Theoretical modules
1. What does it mean to be a tree?
2. Forests and climate change
3. Hydraulic structure of a tree: ecophysiological implications
4. Frames of growth ring development: xylogenesis
5. Dendrochronology: theoretical principles.
Practical modules
1. Photosynthesis measurements
2. Measurements of water potential
3. Sap flow measurements
4. Growth measurements with manual and automatic dendrometers
5. Xylogenesis: sampling and laboratory processing
6. Dendrochronology: building a chronology.

Assessment Methods

The student will have to present a synthesis work with the data acquired throughout the course, in addition to being assessed by a final exam on the knowledge acquired in the theoretical and practical modules: 100.0%


Bravo, F, LeMay, V, Jandl, R (2017) Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change. Springer, 445 pp
Fritts HC (2001) Tree Rings and Climate. Blackburn Press, Caldwell, New Jersey, 567 pp.
Fromm J (2013) Cellular Aspects of Wood Formation. Springer, 264pp.
Larson PR (1994) The Vascular Cambium: Development and Structure. Springer, 736pp.
Schweingruber FH (2007) Wood Structure and Environment. Springer Series in Wood Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 279 pp.