Writing Workshop

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Science — International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The teaching-learning process of this Workshop is tied with one or two courses happening during the same semester of the Undergraduate degree. Case studies are to be developed in connection with other courses. After the lecture, the course focuses on practical application based on conducting research.  Beyond the classroom, students conduct research with a view to exploring the specific topic to be presented.

Learning Outcomes

General objective:

- to guide students on how to write academic papers and conduct research, specificallly about how to organize and structure articles and apply thorough logical arguments and viewpoints.

Specific objetives and skills:

- Students who successfully complete the Workshop develop the ability to critically read and analyse scientific articles which enables them to gain skills and allows them to work independently during the course of their bachelor's degree. Furthermore, by acquirung the writing skills, the workshop seeks to contribute positively to their professional career, for example, when having to write reports and other types of documents. 

Work Placement(s)



-How to get started: general guidelines on how to structure a research paper

-Defining the problem and the central research question

- Bibliography revision

- Reading skills and information selection within restricted time period

- Data organization and analysis

- Arguments/Discussion and conclussions

- Writing skills

- Referral systems

- Graphic presentation of research and its characteristics

- Practical exercise: case-studies developed by students. 

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Fernanda Bernardo Alves

Assessment Methods

Workshop participation: 20.0%
First version of research work: 30.0%
Final version of research work: 50.0%


Bell, Judith (2004) Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação, 3ª Ed. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Denzin, Norman e Lincoln, Yvonna (2005) The Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3ª ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Phillips, Estelle M. e Pugh D. S. (1998) Como preparar um Mestrado ou Doutoramento. Um manual prático parta estudantes e seus orientadores, Mem-Martins: Lyon Editores.

Quivy, Raymond e Campenhoudt, Luc Van (2005), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, 4ª Ed. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Silva, Edna Lúcia e Menezes, Estera Muszkat (2001) Metodologia da Pesquisa e Elaboração de Dissertação, 3ª Ed., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.

Sousa, Maria José e Baptista, Cristina Sales (2011) Como Fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios – Segundo Bolonha, Lidel.

Turner, Barry (2006), The Writer's Handbook, Macmillan, Londres.