Diplomacy and Negotiation

Academic year
Subject Area
International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of English language.

Teaching Methods

The course adopts a seminar-based methodology, combining a lecture component of the main contents of a theoretical nature with a more practical component based on case-study analysis.

Learning Outcomes

Main learning outcome:

-  Understand the main issues related with the diplomatic activity, with a special focus on international negotiations. By exposing the theoretical and empirical framework to analyse diplomacy as a foreign policy tool, students will gain the basic analytical instruments to understand the decision making process, with a special focus on the role of new actors.


Specific objectives and skills:

- Understand the various dimensions of diplomatic activity, namely diplomatic, economic, envirnonmental, securitarian, cultural and public;

- Familiarize the students with the concept of diplomatic negotiation, explaing the different phases of the negotiation process and the various analytical models;

- Provide students with the basic theoretical tools for the analysis of specific case-studies, such as the ones applied to multilateral assymentrical negotiations, and among negotiators from different cultures, as well as the techniques to overcome negotiation deadlocks.

Work Placement(s)



-Theoretical and conceptual framework.

-Foreign policy decision-making models.

-Bilateral vs multilateral diplomacy.

-Classical diplomacy vs new diplomacy: environmental diplomacy; humanitarian diplomacy; security diplomacy; economic diplomacy.

-Public diplomacy; diplomacy and media.

-Cultural diplomacy.

-Stages of the negotiation process.

-Diplomatic negotiation models.

-Assymetrical negotiations

-Overcoming negotiation deadlocks.

-The human factor in negotiations.

- Mediation, arbitrage and backstage

-Bargaining tactics.


Head Lecturer(s)

Licínia Maria dos Santos Simão

Assessment Methods

Individual research work/test (50%) + defense of the research work and in-class participation (50%): 100.0%


Bercovitch, Jacob (2011) Theory and Practice of international mediation: selected essays. Routledge, Londres.

Berridge, G.R. (2015), Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 5ª ed., Palgrave, Londres.

Fisher, Roger et al. (2005) Como Chegar ao Sim – Negociação de Acordos Sem Concessões. Imago, Rio de Janeiro.

Khanna, Parag (2012), Como Governar o Mundo: Uma nova diplomacia em tempos de incerteza, Editorial Presença, Barcarena.

Magalhães, José Calvet de (1995), A Diplomacia Pura, Bertrand Editora, Venda Nova.

Magalhães, José Calvet de (2001), Manual Diplomático: Direito Diplomático, Prática Diplomática, 4ª ed., Editorial Bizâncio, Lisboa.

Moita, Luís (2006) “Da Diplomacia Clássica à Nova Diplomacia”, Janus – Anuário, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

Mongiardim, Maria Regina de (2007), Diplomacia, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra.

Zartman, William e Avenhaus, Rudolf (2007) Diplomacy games: formal models and international negotiations, Springer, Berlim.